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Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend doesn't love me

JasmineHope20 April 6th, 2019

It doesn't help that we're in a long distance relationship from two different countries. But I'm not sure if this is only a cultural thing or I'm just really insecure. I guess we have different expectations in dating and relationships too. Men in my country, or at least my experience with past local boyfriends, tend to be very sweet and affectionate, call/text all the time, very loyal and devoted to you. I am like that myself so I kind of expect the same in return. But he seems to be nothing like that, and it's been the cause of some fights and frustration between us. He's loyal and responsible but admittedly not very affectionate at all.

But I guess I'm also really insecure with myself. I sometimes feel he's too good for me, and so he could easily leave me for someone else maybe in his own country. He has many friends and goes to the gym while I don't have/do any of that. I tend to keep to myself and stay at home (I'm quite the introvert). I wish I could change myself to be more attractive and desirable.

happyaspie April 8th, 2019

@JasmineHope20 Dont blame yourself, if you want him to be more affectionate you should tell him, he need to give more to the relationship and know who you are and ehat you need.

SadBlueCrab May 12th, 2019


If you feel he's not affectionate enough you should tell him, you deserve to be loved in a way you have no doubt about it. Don't settle for less because you think he's too good for you, chances are you're the one too good for him. Also work on yourself what makes you feel insecure? try to find the root of your insecurities. And last but not least there is nothing wrong with being an introvert. Introvert doesn't mean shy or insecure, it just means you are comfortable with yourself and don't need a lot of people or activities to keep you entertained and happy.

Vicc22 July 11th, 2019


You shouldn't blame yourself, you deserve to be loved the way it makes you feel happy and valuable. Communication is very important in relationship, try to talk with your boyfriend and share with him how he makes you feel.