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So Stressed About My Friendship

QuietMuse August 19th, 2018

I've known my friend for a total of 3 years now, our friendship started out fine but things changed after the 2nd year. That's when I began to notice how much she lied and exaggerated, and was willing to lie to my face even though I knew the truth. She can act really unstable and unhinged to the point where I'll feel awkward and as much as I care about her, I feel that I need a friend that I can trust. She's told me a lot of personal stuff that's happened in her life, and she really trusts me, but I always feel so frustrated and stressed around her because our opposite natures create tension between us that only I seem to feel. I feel so bad for not wanting to be friends with her anymore, but I feel like I'm pushing myself to try to keep the friendship. I feel that ending my friendship with her would be a selfish act, but I'm not sure if I can keep trying to make things work. I'm not sure what to do, but I would really appreciate an ouside perspective of the situation. Thank you for reading :)

TreaureSeekers3 August 19th, 2018

I just read your story and OMG this is exactly what I'm going through with a friend right now. I know exactly how you feel and understand completely everything you are saying and what's happened . I'm trying to find an outside perspective on this too but maybe we can both be there for one another when we do . If you can find the answer maybe you can help me or if I do I can help you . Will be here waiting. Hope you get our answer

QuietMuse OP August 27th, 2018

@TreaureSeekers3 Thank you :) Friendships can be so complicated but I hope things will get better and that you'll find your answer

DaisyyHere August 19th, 2018

To all those who are going through a tough time in their friendships, I would like to say that I just ended a 5 year old friendship with a girl. She was my friend since high school and we spent almost 4 years together in college but during these years I had never felt a bond of real friendship with her. Like, she was an extrovert and I was the complete opposite of her. People got to know me because of her since she was popular. Well, at the end she started blaming me for not being like her, she thought that I was lowering down her reputation. I've been through a lot of humiliation, bullying and stress due to this.

I want to tell you guys not to trust any person who is faking as a friend in front of you just because you are alone. NEVER EVER! It's better to be alone than to be with a fake friend. Also, don't disclose your personal matters with some one until he/she does the same.

QuietMuse OP August 27th, 2018

@DaisyyHere Thank you for the awesome advice! I'm sorry you had to go through that bullying and stress though, I really hope that you have a lot of amazing friends in your life that support you and build you up.

TreaureSeekers3 August 27th, 2018

@DaisyyHere I'm so sorry to hear that Daisy. I've not been in that same place but it does remind me of something similar to having friends who were nice then changed around other people. I know that too well but I've never been in a popular group so I can't say how you might be feeling but I understand the feelings of feeling hurt and used is horrible. Your friend never deserved you or had that time to get to know you as your too good for her and she isn't. She will realise what she's done and that she would regret the biggest mistake she ever made when she finds out that there so called friends arnt her friends and will do anything to protect themselves so you walked away a good time. Well Done and sending you hugs . I'm so proud of you.

DaisyyHere August 27th, 2018

@TreaureSeekers3 Thankyou guys for supporting me! I'm over it now. I have a lot of friends now who truly care for me. I really hope you guys have learnt something from my story! :)

TreaureSeekers3 August 28th, 2018

@DaisyyHere awwww I'm glad your ok but you shouldn't had to go through that. Glad your over it but it still don't forget the fact that a friend betrayed you and your trust thinking she was real friend when really she wasn't. It was all about her and I have a friend like that too and I'm thinking I'm not gonna let her do that cuz you told me and I told myself. I don't deserve it . She may have problems but I have too and I need to put myself first before anything or anyone. Just like you .

TreaureSeekers3 August 27th, 2018

Your a great example of others