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Sexual Predator Victim

passionateEast518 June 4th, 2023

I recently realized that I am a victim of a sexual predator. He made me feel like he was my friend and slowly made me think talking about sexual things with him was ok. He was always making comments to me about how innocent and modest I am. He eventually got me to admit things to him that he wanted to know. He recently got me to *** with him and now he has been avoiding talking to me. It has been 3 weeks now and I don’t know if he will contact me again or not. He has done this ignoring me thing in the past and eventually came back. I just feel really used now and he manipulated me into being kind of obsessed with him. I am just really struggling with what to do.

passionateEast518 OP June 8th, 2023

I haven’t heard from anyone since I posted this. I was really hoping to get some replies and be able to talk to someone.

Johnnybgud5150 June 8th, 2023

@passionateEast518 I am sorry you went thru this. Obviously, you see the truth for what it is. I advise that you sever all contact with this person. He manipulated you for as long as it took until he got what he wanted and now has cast you aside. He is not worthy of you or your time. To contact him or allow him to contact you will just fuel his sick ego. Block him in every way you can and reach out to friends and family that can help shield you from him.

passionateEast518 OP June 8th, 2023

Thank you so much for the advice! Yes, I believe that is what is best to do. It is very hurtful that he would do that to me when I was so nice and caring towards him.

kindEmbrace4635 June 8th, 2023


No body deserves such treatment. I'm sorry that such a lovely soul as yourself had to go through something so terrible. Here is a resource I found helpful when reflecting upon my own relationships. It covers a bit of everything including abuse and unhealthy relationships. I hope this helps!

passionateEast518 OP June 8th, 2023

Thank you so much! I really appreciate you sharing that with me!

passionateEast518 OP June 8th, 2023

Thank you so much!! Yes, I am glad I talked to someone and they helped me realize what he truly is. A problem is that I see him in person once per week. I saw him yesterday and he acted like nothing was wrong and he hadn’t been ignoring me all this time. I was pretty upset. I have kept wanting to make excuses for him and still think good of him since he does sometimes still act nice. I have never dealt with someone like this before, so it is really really hard for me. I’m very empathetic and I felt bad that I got mad at him last night.