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Scrambled and Confused Emotions

leahwood99 May 6th, 2020

2019 had been a long year for me and it doesn't look like 2020 is going to be any different. In early 2019 I was in a car accident with my then-boyfriend. His family took care of me as my family couldn't. Through this, they ended up disliking me and put a strain on my ex through constantly telling him to break up with me and saying things that were bad about me. From my side, I became somewhat distant because I could feel tension and was scared of a break up myself so I distanced myself. This, of course, led to more strain on the relationship. We had almost broken up several times over the summer for reasons such as me being distant and then I decided in September to break up with him. As it was the school year I was very preoccupied with many things and even ended up starting to date someone else, but I still thought of him here and there. I am still in that relationship but have not felt fulfilled from it and feel that my partner does not care for me as much as I would like him to or at the very least doesn't really show it. Now recently the break up has hit me again and all I want is to be back with him. All I feel is regret and want him back. We had been through so much together and I want that back. He started dating someone else and said that if it wasn't for that he would date me again but it would feel awful to wait. I have been feeling like this for over a month and it has been emotionally exhausting but it can't seem to go away. It hurts a lot and is all overwhelming and I wish I could just go back in time and take back the breakup.

positiveEars2722 May 7th, 2020


Hi there :)

It looks like from what you said, that you dropped a relationship with someone due to having a lot on your hands. I'm sorry you had to go through that. You said you're in a new relationship, but you feel like he doesn't care about the relationship even though you keep expressing that you'd like him to. Flashbacks of the past started to come back from your past relationship and now you want to be with your ex again, but he has a girl friend. You said you've been feeling like this for a while and It's really exaughsting, overwhelming, depressing, frustraiting, and most of all it hurts you a lot. I want to thank you for reaching out, because it takes courage to do so <3

I understand why this is really frustrating for you, and why you're having flashbacks to your break up. Have you talked to your current boy friend about how you feel now, what did he say if you did?

I hope you are able to work things out and I hope you have a good rest of your day.

leahwood99 OP May 10th, 2020


I haven't talked to my current boyfriend about the feelings and flashbacks to the break up I am having but I have tried talking about problems I am having within the relationship itself but I don't feel like it has been getting any better and I don't know how to deal with it. Which tbh the problems can just feel like they are my fault due to me no longer feeling fully invested.

positiveEars2722 May 7th, 2020


Hi there :)

It looks like from what you said, that you dropped a relationship with someone due to having a lot on your hands. I'm sorry you had to go through that. You said you're in a new relationship, but you feel like he doesn't care about the relationship even though you keep expressing that you'd like him to. Flashbacks of the past started to come back from your past relationship and now you want to be with your ex again, but he has a girl friend. You said you've been feeling like this for a while and It's really exaughsting, overwhelming, depressing, frustraiting, and most of all it hurts you a lot. I want to thank you for reaching out, because it takes courage to do so <3

I understand why this is really frustrating for you, and why you're having flashbacks to your break up. Have you talked to your current boy friend about how you feel now, what did he say if you did?

I hope you are able to work things out and I hope you have a good rest of your day.