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Lies and cheating

Lostnlonely81 September 29th, 2021

I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years now and he's physically and emotionally has cheated on me several times through the years. I've recently hacked into some of his accounts and found out he messaged his ex last week. He denied it, even though I had the proof. I asked the ex and she just went on there and blocked him. I then found in his email he's been messaging a woman for the past 4yrs all kind of sexual messages. Nothing new since last year. I asked if he knew her and he said no, I asked if he knew her number and he said no. I saw the emails with my own eyes and he still denies it. I checked the phone logs and he they texted last year. How can I learn to trust him if he can't be honest about everything?

Cain96 September 30th, 2021

This sounds like a person you shouldn't trust. From what you described, it seems like he knows he can lie to you and knows that you'll still be there anyways. You don't deserve to be taken advantage of like this; no one does. The way you phrase it at the end, "learn to trust him" leads me to believe you think you're stuck with him. I implore you to seek other options. Reach out to friends and family. You don't need to tell them every detail, but I hope you find a support system that can help you out of this relationship.

Best wishes