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Leave or stay

0pium77 February 27th, 2020

43 year old male here. Been married for 16 years we have had our ups and downs like any relationship but lately things have changed.
She recently started engaging into a very active social life with old and new friends, males and females, something I am not very good at being an extreme introvert myself. I also developed a strong sense of jealousy from her interactions with other male friends whom most I do not know or met.
Our clash comes down to she feeling tied down and needing to launch into the social life without any guilt of making me feel jealous or uncomfortable, and my needs of feeling loved and prioritized.
I am not sure if there is a middle solution to this we have been trying to find one for the past few months but we end up arguing and hurt. Is it time to end this?

J2002 February 28th, 2020


I dont think that a 16 year long of a relationship should end like that !
Peehaps maybe you could start engaging in those activities with her. Meet those friends of hers and possible become their friend. If there is nothing specific that your significant other is doing, that really deserves to be triggered at, then you should not be worried. If shes going to cheat (I hope you never experience that) theres nothing you can do to un-do it. Live your life normally with her, respectively, And if there is something that you need to know of, you will find out sooner or later.
Think wisely before you make any decision, regardless if you choose to take my words into consideration, this is a 16 year long relationship. It isnt a joke.

Hope you find happiness♥️