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I want to talk about this. I know there isnt sth I can do

User Profile: Popitzik
Popitzik September 28th, 2018

so there's this guy. In a forum about self-development and stuff.. Let's call him J-. He used to visit my profile back in February when he first signed up. I'm an older member there. I figured why does he visit me so often? Then all of a sudden,he sent me and said hi,so I replied,we are both from the same country. He then asked for my Facebook account so we can chat by DM. I said I dont have one,but I had an anonymous for "stalking" once in a while if it was necessary. I gave his this one. Then he said if I want to meet him in person. I was not sure because I knew almost nothing about him and I couldn't trust. We met in March-April. Can't remember exactly. Until then we also went for a coffee and studied together in library - back in June. This was the last time we saw each other. From this time on something broke in me, and I'm sure he feels the same too. As the time passes we talk less and less. Messages were never frequent but now are so rare. I dont want to change with him especially because he doesn't show interest as much I've tried .

Its sad but theres nothing i can do. I have no hope about this. Why human relationships have to end?

User Profile: Popitzik
Popitzik OP September 28th, 2018

don't want to chat* (not change)

User Profile: kitkat34567
kitkat34567 September 28th, 2018

my guess its because its online i am sorry that your upset over this

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User Profile: Popitzik
Popitzik OP September 28th, 2018


Thank u for your reply.

It warms up my heart when I get that people care even for a little bit about me.

Do you mean exactly ? Online isn't for everyone? Do you mean that if it wasnt online he would show more interest?

It hurts me so much,but the only way is to let go now.

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User Profile: kitkat34567
kitkat34567 September 28th, 2018

@Popitzik its not for everyone i been ghosted by guys due to my lack of non virbal cues so i learned that not every guy is looking for a relationship some just want hook ups which is not my thing.

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