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I'm i enough?

LostIt1809 November 29th, 2016

I have just started talking to this guy who is truly amazing and so unique and he likes me the way I am and accepts me,but we like very different stuff and I try really hard to understand the shows he likes or whatever he likes really but it's really hard as I get really lost and can't follow on our comversations about that stuff... I feel like I'm boring him, that he thinks he can't talk about what he likes ...

SilentSerenityy November 29th, 2016


If he shows interest in your interests, then it's only fair that you do the same for him, even if you have no interest or knowledge of them (you could always do a quick look up about them). Relationships are all about compromise! Or you can try to steer the conversation towards something you like or want to talk about if he's been talking a lot about his interests.

2wheelsdown November 29th, 2016


That's great you're listening to him explain his shows and interests. You don't HAVE to share them though. Showing interest is great, but you don't have to be his twin. It's fine to have different interests. I dated a man who was a die hard sports fan and loved to tell me about the games, players, etc. ... he knew I wasn't into it, but he enjoyed involving me and I liked that he made the effort to explain it so I could better understand what was going on. I never became a sports fan, but I enjoyed our conversations about it.

Ladybug11 December 21st, 2016

@LostIt1809 Alone that you try must mean a lot to him :) My boyfriend is a history fanatic, I am soooo bad with history but we couldnt be happier :) we just find other stuff we are interested in, besides its not thaaat important that you two have the exact same interests, or that you can talk about what he likes. Find something you both enjoy ;) and then obsess over it together xx Best of luck