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Im concerned...

MarNova March 2nd, 2017

Im married, but, sometimes I feel obessed with my husband and other days like these past 3 days after a very serious talk we had of us all of ansudden i feel nothing and im not even forcing myself not to "care" like when I do when im mad or upset to feel better. Has it happenend to someone else in a relationship?

CompassionateGirl90 March 2nd, 2017

@MarNova I think it's natural to go through this sort of ebb and flow in the connection. Some days you'll feel very in tune with one another and want to spend a great deal of time together, and some days you just need a bit of distance. I'd be more worried if you were feeling one extreme or the other for extended periods of time - i.e. the not caring for months on end, or the "obsession" for months at a time, especially if it caused arguments between you. I'm not married or in a relationship, however, but I do have a pretty good sense of boundaries with people, more so than I used to.

MarNova OP March 2nd, 2017

@CompassionateGirl90, yeah ai kinda tell myself its normal to feel that way, but I feel good. When i would force myself not to care about arguments or things he would say that would hurt, I will get really mad and become paranoid of what hes doing, who is he talking with, wheres his atention, wanting to know where he is when he stirs out of the house to get sole fresh air,etc, i lose it. But these few days, im relaxed but abit upset because , i dont want to stop loving or being inlove with him. Thanks you so much for your point of view & opinion on my situation !!! ♥️

Mel74 March 2nd, 2017

@MarNova Wow you could have wrote my post! smiley Relationships take work from both ends so it's tough at times especially if stress involved. I'm in a relationship it's new but I'm trying to understand what stresses him out and how he deals with his downs. I think it could be immaturity but I'm like you tired of thinking about it so I want to turn off and don't care. It seems when life is going the way you want then people are easier to get along with. Love is a choice. heart

MarNova OP March 2nd, 2017

@Mel74. No way, I was starting to worry . I was about to assume I was losing feelings for him but deep down I knew its to early in our marriage to say it wont work, we're still newbies , so I took it as a good time to restore myself. & lastely, I remind myself how i felt when we were apart for a big while and we were close of never seeing each other again. Also, I do the dame you do in terms of analyzing hiw they cope with problems or arguments or so and how I can use them myself or simply try to get around it and make it work. Thanks you for sharing a sweet post with me!!!! It really means a lot to have others connect with you♥️