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I can’t trust my partner

powerfulPlum3916 June 16th, 2023

He’s broken my trust so many times. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. He says he’s going to stop hurting me but I question, What else is he capable of doing?

EarsThatHeal June 16th, 2023


Dear Plum....You say it yourself...

EarsThatHeal June 16th, 2023


He has betrayed your trust time and time again...

powerfulPlum3916 OP June 16th, 2023

Do you mean that in a bad way?

toughTiger6481 June 17th, 2023


Trust Imo is earned not demanded......

when broken to earn back takes time and patience but honestly depends on your view of trust.... and clear communication..........

it is not something you have done ... it is on him ....

blindEagle5652 June 18th, 2023

@powerfulPlum3916 You're not doing anything wrong, he's the one breaking your trust. That being said, I understand why you'd question yourself, it's a very common response to blame and look at yourself when the relationship is rocky. We often ask "What am I doing wrong" or "What can I do better so that this person stops". My questions to you are, are you happy? What's your next move? How much more are you willing to take?

compassionateIceCream677 July 4th, 2023


I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with trust in your relationship. Trust is a vital component of any healthy partnership, and it can be challenging when it feels compromised. It's important to remember that every situation is unique, and I'm here to listen and offer some general guidance. Have you considered having an open and honest conversation with your partner about your concerns? Effective communication can help address any underlying issues and rebuild trust. Additionally, seeking professional help, such as couples therapy, can provide a safe space to explore your feelings and work towards a resolution. Remember, it takes time and effort from both partners to rebuild trust, so it's crucial to maintain open lines of communication and offer each other support along the way. Let me know if there's anything specific you'd like advice on or if you'd like to discuss this further.

powerfulPlum3916 OP July 5th, 2023

Thank you so much for your kind understanding and advice. I’d appreciate talking about it with you, how do I send a direct message?

Cookiedonuts2000 July 11th, 2023


I'm sorry to hear that your partner has repeatedly broken your trust. Trust is a crucial foundation for a healthy and fulfilling relationship, and when it's repeatedly violated, it can lead to feelings of doubt, insecurity, and uncertainty about the future.

It's important to recognize that trust is not solely your responsibility. Building and maintaining trust is a shared commitment between both partners. While it's natural to question yourself and wonder if you're doing something wrong, it's important to remember that trust is a reflection of both partners' actions and behaviors.

If your partner has made promises to stop hurting you but continues to break your trust, it's understandable that you would have concerns about their future behavior. Consider having an open and honest conversation with your partner about your concerns and the impact their actions have had on you. Express your feelings, set clear boundaries, and communicate your expectations for the relationship moving forward. Take the time to reflect on what is best for your well-being and consider seeking support from loved ones or professionals who can help you make informed decisions about your relationship moving forward.

RakyTacky July 24th, 2023

@powerfulPlum3916 Sorry this is a bit late hehe, buttttt the answer comes down to you. After all he's done, do you think he still deserves someone as amazing as you???? If you do, give him another chance, if not, set yourself free and focus on no one but yourself :D

CalmSoul97 July 29th, 2023

Hello powerfulPlum3916. I understand how you are feeling as he has been breaking your trust many times. Maybe it’s not what you are doing that it’s wrong here. What else would be something that we can’t predict. If someone is repeatedly hurting you and breaking your trust, maybe you should reflect and see if you really need to be in contact and if its taking a toll on your health. I hope you feel better soon ❤️

LilMsSunflower September 14th, 2023

@powerfulPlum3916 Hey Plum! You have shared that he has broken your trust multiple times and you seem to question and doubt yourself for his actions. You seem to be losing hope and feel worried about how much he can possibly hurt you despite of him just saying that he will not hurt you. Your feelings and your mental health are very important. Feel free to connect with me so that we can delve further in and toy can find your decision.

RioHussain September 16th, 2023

I’m sorry to hear your partner has repeatedly broken your trust.

I appreciate your patience and trust to your partner.

your loyalty shows you’re a good soul but your partner is breaking your trust again and again. Tbh honest it’s worst of him but yeah you should have a talk to him for the reason behind this rudeness to you. A better chat would help you to reach a final decision for your future if he still isn’t able to make you sure for a better understanding in future than you’re expert enough at your own to decide about your future.

Ellez5427 November 5th, 2023

@powerfulPlum3916  I am Ellen and I hope you are doing better. I'm sorry to hear that your partner has repeatedly broken your trust. Building trust takes awhile to build and when somebody breaks it you feel like all the time spent building it wasn't for the best. Worrying about what will happen next is a true feeling which you should not ignore. Having a transparent and open conversation with your partner can help you guys clear up some things and see were that can take you on your journey. I hope you are doing better and okay. -Ellen G

safetysource12 November 8th, 2023


I'm sorry to hear about the repeated trust issues in your relationship. Trust is crucial, and questioning the future is completely understandable. It's not about something you're doing wrong; it's more about your partner's actions and commitment to change. Would you like to share more about your thoughts and feelings on this? We are all here to listen and support you.

powerfulPlum3916 OP November 8th, 2023

Thank you for your response,

He’s claimed on changing for so long and keeps putting me in situations where I’m left even more traumatized. I’ve completely lost myself since meeting him and yet I cannot see a life without him. I miss who I used to be. And I hate the person he’s made me to be.

TareqRafiqul November 17th, 2023

You know him better than any of us.

barncat November 17th, 2023

@powerfulPlum3916 - even though you say you can't imagine your life without him, the real answer is when you wrote how you do not like the person you have become because of his actions, behaviors etc. I hope you can find some other support through this situation. You deserve to be honored, trust in your partner and reclaim your true self again. 

SensitiveHelper03 November 19th, 2023


It's just as you said, Plum. He's broken your trust so many times and it's understandable that you would feel this way, situations like this make you feel really emotionally overwhelmed. Sometimes we just have to ask ourselves...don't we deserve better than this? How much more of this can I take?

Snazzy7sloth December 6th, 2023


Hello! I have just come across your post.

I'm so sorry to hear that your partner has broken your trust multiple times. Understandably, you might feel uncertain about the future of your relationship and start to question whether you can trust him moving forward.

It can be helpful for you to initiate a sit-down talk with all open and honest communication with your partner. This can be about how you feel and what you need from them in order to rebuild trust in your relationship. You should bring up the things that bother you and make sure your partner knows how it makes you feel. 

After your conversation, take time to think and see if your partner is going to make changes and rebuild trust with you. Please remember that your well-being and happiness should be a top priority and your feelings matter! You are strong and I wish you the best. Take care and have a good day (:

CharlesItuahO December 9th, 2023

@powerfulPlum3916 I am really sorry to hear this and I know how hard you are fighting to stay strong at this very moment, but I want to assure you that this too will pass and you will look back and pat yourself at the back and say you did your very best. Trust is hard to recover after it has been broken so I understand how you must be feeling, so just stay strong for me.

intelligentSalamander279 December 28th, 2023


Trust is not earned it’s given. 

If you can’t trust him I would be concerned for you. 

Can you talk to him and say what you’re feeling? 

ASameh June 14th

@powerfulPlum3916It sounds like you're in a very difficult and painful situation. Trust is a foundational aspect of any relationship, and when it's repeatedly broken, it can create significant emotional turmoil. Here are some thoughts on how to approach this:

  1. Your Feelings are Valid: It's important to recognize that your feelings of mistrust and hurt are valid responses to your partner's actions. It's not about what you're doing wrong; trust issues often stem from the actions and choices of the person who has broken trust.

  2. Communication: Have you been able to openly discuss your feelings and concerns with your partner? Clear and honest communication is crucial in rebuilding trust. Express how his actions have affected you and what you need from him to feel secure in the relationship.

  3. Patterns of Behavior: It's concerning if your partner has repeatedly broken your trust. Reflect on whether there are ongoing patterns of behavior that indicate a lack of commitment to change or improvement. Trust can be rebuilt, but it requires consistent effort and accountability from both parties.

  4. Setting Boundaries: Consider what boundaries you need to establish to protect yourself emotionally. Boundaries are healthy guidelines that define what behavior is acceptable and what isn't in a relationship.

Ultimately, rebuilding trust requires both partners to be committed to honesty, transparency, and respect. If you continue to feel uncertain or unsafe in the relationship despite efforts to communicate and rebuild trust, it may be necessary to reassess whether the relationship is meeting your emotional needs and whether it's healthy for you to continue. Your well-being and emotional health are important considerations in any relationship.


lovingEnergy5931 June 22nd

@powerfulPlum3916 I am sorry to hear that you are being treated this way by your boyfriend.  No one deserves to be treated this way here.

MxdnightFaerie July 15th

@powerfulPlum3916 I'm sorry to hear that, and you are completely valid. You aren't at fault for his actions and it is a tricky situation to be in. Words are just that: words. If he hasn't held up his promises you can't be blamed for feeling this way. Do what you feel is best for yourself, and all the best!

InspiringPancakes August 1st
@powerfulPlum3916 I see you're feeling very confused and possibly a bit scared of what else he is capable of doing to you. What exactly has he done to break his trust and what are your thoughts on the state of the relationship? The state of your relationships trust is not only on your shoulders. Relationships are two way roads and both people need to put effort to make it succeed. I wish you goodluck in finding the answers you search for. :)
exquisiteMelody57 August 9th


I am really sorry to hear that you are going through this. It is really heartbreaking to feel like your trust has been broken repeatedly. You deserve to feel safe and secure in your relationship. Its natural to have doubts and question things when you have been hurt. Just remember, your feelings are valid and its important to take care of yourself during this tough time. You are not alone in this and there is support out there if you need it.