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humorousPenguin6431 April 25th, 2020

My ex is harassing me. He is posting pictures of me without my consent. He is probably going to keep posting and maybe any private ones. I am worried what he will do. He is unstoppable and appears to be unstable. Aside from calling the police I dont know what else to do

KristinaJ86 April 25th, 2020


I'm sorry that you are going through such a difficult time because of your ex. It must be difficult to deal with such a stressful situation.

You have done the right thing by getting the police involved. I would have done the same if I were in your situation. It seems that your ex is possibly going through a lot of emotions. Many people handle a breakup differently. Unfortunately, his way of dealing with the breakup has hurt you and I'm very sorry for this.

If you need to speak to any of the listeners about how you are feeling and how this situation has effected you, please do not hesitate to get in contact with any of us. We would be happy to assist you in working through your feelings.

I do hope that things work out for you and that your ex is able to deal with the breakup in a more constructive manor.

humorousPenguin6431 OP April 25th, 2020

@KristinaJ86 thank you. I didn't call the cops because he may even cause more harm to me

diligentJar1891 April 25th, 2020

@humorousPenguin6431 Oh you didnt call the cops yet, hmmm that is understandable but you do have anyone that know about this right? Have you tell your parents?

diligentJar1891 April 25th, 2020

@humorousPenguin6431Hi, please stay strong and not be afraid of him. Fight him. How I mean fight is first, do not be afraid of him. Second, remember that this is a crime not just ex exposing some bad pictures, its a crime. There is law for this so if possible, fight him in court. I know its hard but I hope you have someone who can together fight him back. If he threatened you in any way, keep it as evidence. Keep the messages as evidence. Tell your friends and family straight away after he threatened you so that you have someone to validate your story, to make it stronger. I dont know how to get to court but please girl, what he do is a crime so do not be afraid of him and do not be afraid to fight.

humorousPenguin6431 OP April 25th, 2020

@diligentJar1891thank you. I am keeping everything. I wonder if I should reach out again and tell him to stop?

diligentJar1891 April 25th, 2020

@humorousPenguin6431 To me, it would be best to not talk to him again. He is dangerous. Even more Im sure you already tell him many times to stop right? It will only hurt you.... as he wont listen... not sure about the situation but is it possible for you to ignore him? Or is he someone who live close to you?

Stay safe ❤ never let whatever that he say or do to yourself. You need to tell people. Knowing that you already tell police, I feel a bit relief as you may have someone in this together

humorousPenguin6431 OP April 25th, 2020

@diligentJar1891 I didn't tell police. I'm afraid he will get angry. I feel that is my only option

blindHeart12 April 27th, 2020


Be strong. He is doing which is totally unfair and unhuman. If you keep silent he will keep you haunting whenever he want. If he do again please stand for yourself. Take support of family or you alone is enough. Police is only option for your safety and to stop him. You need to get del your pics. We dont know laws much that's why we fear to take stand but once we get into it lots of rights r there for woman government had made.take care. There is no fault of yours so dont upset yourself.

humorousPenguin6431 OP July 19th, 2020


I'm afraid he will come after me if I call the cops.

dworth257 July 19th, 2020

@humorousPenguin6431 call the cops if he posts private pictures of you. That is not okay. And inform whoever you live with so you can come up with a plan together. Document everything. Don't be afraid of him, that's what keeps him feeling in control. He has no power over you.

humorousPenguin6431 OP July 19th, 2020


he finally took the picture down when I told him. But he still reaches out to me even though I told him to stop. My parents can't know about him. So I M alone in this.

blindHeart12 July 20th, 2020


It hard to understand and feel what you are facing. To give suggestion is easy.

It just I feel few thing seem v scary and lead us lot of this will happened and that will happen.

Once we do it . We r ready to face and overcome it also. I feel sad one man is disturbing you so much.wish you could get real life support.

humorousPenguin6431 OP July 20th, 2020


Thank you for listening and understanding. I think I may need courage if I move forward with the restraining order.

blindHeart12 July 20th, 2020


Yes. All alone doing need lot of courage. Dont worry. When we right than some or other way we get support. Just need to take step

humorousPenguin6431 OP July 20th, 2020


thank you! I'll try!