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Confused, need opinion, need help

diligentJar1891 April 25th, 2020

Hi, so 3 weeks ago, I finally decided to move on from my ex boyfriend after 8 years he left me. We stayed friend even after break up, of course during those 8 years I try sooo many times to move on. But I cant, I keep holding to him even though he is full of lies. Well, he never really admit to anything, he always avoid things when I just want to discuss properly and he said he done that as 'respect to woman' fuck him. Fucking liar. I know he lied because his story doesnt make sense. Who on earth break up with your partner because your boy friend want to be with other girl??? Like his friend wanted to be with this other girl so his friend pretended to be my ex boyfriend, just to be with that girl. Dont you think how ridiculous it is? I was like what the fuck, but I suck it in cause I dont want fights. But honestly, it eats me up. Denial eats me up. He even first initially mention that it was a mistake to be with her (that 'other girl'). Then changed the story to 'his friend wanted to be with that D girl'. Damn my heart hurts so bad cause I got threatened, blackmailed 2 months before we broke up and I think my ex boyfriend was the one who threatened and blackmailed me :'(

So 3 weeks ago, I finally had enough. Im tired, really tired. So we stop talking and I want nothing to do with him anymore. But I have things to let out to him, should I say it or what should i do? What should i do to handle this 'i need to talk to him about it' or 'he needs to know this'

Plumhickory187 April 27th, 2020


Talk to should make him understand his mistakes,may b he wouldn't mind,bt inorder for you to feel free and completely relaxed,u talk to him every single things he had done. Let out of it completely. Wish u best

originalBeauty9103 April 26th, 2020


Hi! I want to say thank you first and foremost for sharing your story on this forum and being able to ask for an opinion and advice. I want to mention that I am sorry that you are going through such difficult confused time and that this is not a good situation to deal with. I will say too as well is that that guy is an idiot for letting someone so strong go and that he is going to realize that he have let the most beautiful person go and it sounds like that he is regretting it big time! LOL

Anyways, you have every right to feel however you feel because you do not know how to handle the situation and that is normal. One thing that I suggest that if you are planning on moving on, delete all kinds of contact with him (social media, his number, pictures of you and him, and others). You do not want to carry things that remind you of him at all. But, at the same time, if you want to confront him with your concerns, I will go for it! You have a right to express how you feel and if you strongly feel that this is the way, let him know! But, I want you to be mindful and careful of the responses and reactions that may come from your expressive feelings. He may take it differently so do not worry, Your goal is to let him know how you feel and what is it that you feel in your heart that you should do.

If this is not the route that you do not want to take, you can always talk with a friend or family member about this. If you do not want anyone to know because you feel that they may not understand you, write it down on paper, diary, or journal. That is also a healthy way to let your feelings out without you are getting hurt in the process.

Also, the threatening and blackmailing needs to be notified by police because that is harrassment and stalking. If it is the ex, you need to be sure that you are positive that it is him and that you have evidence to back it up. I feel that it may be the girl that he was with after you. Jealousy can be a huge part in this. She may not like him trying to get back with you and talking to you. But, since this happened more than once, contact the police as soon as possible, especially if this action has not stopped at all yet.

I can understand that denial is eating you up and this is okay. I do not want denial to cause you to be in a frenzy or emotional and mental distress because of the situation because it is not worth your time nor patience. Definitely your happiness. Use my suggestions as ways to let all that go or you can seek therapy or a trusted friend or family member.

Your happiness means a lot to you so do not let this affect you in any way possible because sooner than later, your ex, his friend, and "girlfriend" will get what's coming to them and that you will be a stronger living testimony through all of this smiley

I hope that my advice helps!

Respond back to me if you have any other concerns and confusion!


Plumhickory187 April 27th, 2020

Me and my boyfrnd broke up recently. I self diagnosed myself with relationship anxiety. The reason for our break up was,when i was managing my mental stress of about what would happen if i love him,thinking about future, i forgot to talk to him nicely, i never called him, he loved me and i behaved odd and indifferent to him.after so many series of ignorance,he now left me leaving so much pain for me to that I couldn't bear.

Now I am really anxious about what is going to happen next,i feel like I will get punished for hurting my partner from somebody else.i couldn't handle him,he doesn't actually accept my anxiety.he says if I love him truly,i never would have ignored him. i tried to make him understand in so many ways,bt he couldn't.

He is like I don't even deserve his hatred,so he is behaving normal with me,like there was no relationship between us,he acts friendly to me and criticize me at times snd that makes my heart too heavy to handle,i already am so upset,he is intentionally making me guilty for what I have done.

If I leave he will think that I never loved him and if I stay he wouls hurt me more .I think it is better to leave him alone so that he could find a better or a best partner for him. I have very low self esteem 😞

I am confused about letting myself hurt or leave from him forever😢