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Anxiety Preventing Relationships (All Opinions Welcome!!)

RedCherryRed September 23rd, 2018


In the past 2-3 years, Ive been having difficulties with relationships involving anxiety. Ive always been quite an anxious person, however in the past few years, this has amplified during relationships, and I cant quite figure out why.

In the last 2 relationships I have been in especially, Ive become increasingly anxious to the point in which I end up crying or having an anxiety attack when I see the other person. Ive had to end the last two relationships I have been in because of this, and Im scared to venture into a new one.

Any opinions? Should I just give up dating as a whole?

straightuprocker1998 September 23rd, 2018

@RedCherryRed hey there!

No matter who you are or what is going on inside of you, everyone is meant for someone and deserves to find someone special. The right person will see your scars, keep you safe and love you all the same. I can somewhat relate- my ex said that she saw 'the real me' with my very mild autism and she broke up with me. Please please don't give up on dating and finding someone because you will I promise!

I really hope this helps you 😁😊

RedCherryRed OP September 23rd, 2018

@straightuprocker1998 Hello,

Thank you so much for your kind words.

In reality, it isnt the people Ive been seeing causing the anxiety, in fact my last two relationships were healthy, but regardless of this my anxiety seems to grow. Im unsure what is causing it, as Ive had no direct traumatic event to do with romantic relationships.

straightuprocker1998 September 23rd, 2018


It is okay to be sad and it's okay to cry- we all get anxious sometimes. It's a characteristic of who you are. Just remember that you are unique and the right person will still think you're amazing despite your past and the extent of your anxiety 😁😊