I'm 39 and a virgin because I've never been in love before. I think that I was waiting for something or someone to come but they never even came close. I'm not sure if it's because of what happened to me as a child. I was molested by a family friend when I was only eight or nine years old. I've never really dealt with it in any healthy way before. I've never really thought about it because I used my sister's bad relationships as an excuse. This is only coming up now is because I want to be a writer but since I've never experienced a sexual situation is it possible to write about one? How do you write about something that you've never done or experienced before?
That's a great question! Sex to me is much more of an emotional experience defined by your love and or attraction towards another. It's a way of giving a part of yourself in a unique and special way. On the other hand, sex can be a means of stress relief. It can also be an action to gain pleasure and satisfaction that you would not necessarily find elsewhere. Not to say that sex is the apex of satisfaction or pleasure, in fact I would say it's highly overrated and often overly prized after.
In terms of your writing, I would ask myself, why are these two people coming together for this act? Is it for love or mere pleasure? I'm sure reading erotic stories could help inspire you to write a good sex scene but in order to pull the scene together, it's important for your audience to understand why this scene is happening.
Hopefully I gave you some food for thought and it helps you figure out how you would like to write this. Good luck!
Thanks you did give me much to think about. Everyone that I know thinks that there's something wrong with me for waiting so long but sometimes I think that I waited too long and I missed the opportunity to do that. Now I think that I should just find someone to do it with to just get it over with but I think that I've built it up in my head so huge in my imagination that nothing could ever come close to what I've imagined. What do you think?
Well if it helps, I'm thirty one years old and have never been intimate with someone. I can't say that having casual sex will be enjoyable or not as everybody is different but I'm personally waiting. Even though it's typical of people my age to have had sex, I don't want to just do it. I want it to be special and with someone that loves me. If that doesn't happen than I don't think I'm missing much because sex without love is meaningless to me. As far as what others think, it's irrelevant. Whether I've had zero or fifty lovers, that is my business and nobody has the right to make you conform to their standards.
On the positive side, I don't have to worry about getting pregnant or getting a std!