Std/sti testing
I have hsv 2. My ex wants to move back in with me. Told him, I’d like him to get tested cause he’s been with other women. He refuses and says I’m trying to blame him for having hsv but I know I got it from someone else. As far as we’re concerned he does not have any stds nor sti’s. Should I let this go or be firm about getting tested.
The decision is ultimately up to you but sounds like a pretty serious thing to get sorted out. Certain STDs are no joke if you do end up with them and part of being a responsible partner is knowing what you're risking with the other person.
Thank you for the feed back! I don’t think it’s too much to ask for especially if I’m the one paying for it.
I agree. It is a reasonable request.
@amtippqt09 sexual health is incredibly important, getting tested is an act of responsibility and care towards your partner. Don't worry about being too insistent or anything: it's your right to be firm about it.