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🌈 What tip would you give to maintain a healthy relationship?

tommy June 15th


Happy Pride everyone!

Relationships (both romantic and platonic) need be healthy so that both parties are happy and fulfilled. It can be tricky to start up and maintain a healthy relationship, particularly when it's something you are new to or when you are exploring a new identity. 

What are your top tips for others when maintaining or starting up a healthy relationship?



♡ Effective Communication 

♡ Considerate Comprehension (communication remains incomplete till it's comprehended considerably)

♡ Being vulnerable about past experiences, triggers and honest about your boundaries and needs.

♡ Quality time together- I think it's super important for two people trying to nurture a relationship, to spend time together, getting to know each other as well as learning to grow comfortable in each other's silences.

♡ Embrace conflicts and arguments. While learning to de-escalate and navigate through them together. It is always you two against the problem and not you two against each other. 

No relationships are perfect or healthy always, we're all human, imperfect and utterly flawed in our own unique ways, it's only fair to not hold on someone to an unrealistic pedestal of perfection. They aren't perfect, and neither are you. The more we create space for acceptance of one's quirks and try to learn their love language while also introducing them to our own and allowing them too, the better, I feel. 

akunknown June 15th

- Really knowing each other and not starting the relationship (officially) till then and till both of you believe it’ll work and are completely committed to making it work. 

- Understanding each other and each other’s needs, expectations, wants. And doing your best to deliver on that.

- Being fair to each other. One example of this could be one time you do, go somewhere, talk about what you want. When that’s done, you two do what the other person wants. If you can’t, like if the other person for example wants to drink but you don’t drink, that should be respected and should not be forced or pressured on you. However going to a bar and letting them drink if that’s what they wanna do can still be done. You can just tag along and keep them company and make sure they don’t go overboard with it. Keep their drinking at a minimum level so they’re satisfied while safe from becoming drunk or wasted. Again, just one example. 

- You two should be there for each other as often as possible. No one can be there for anyone all the time because life will sometimes get in the way of that which both sides should understand so no unnecessary drama or fighting happens over it. 

- Be patient, gentle, authentic, and kind with yourselves as well as each other. 

- Be open to what the other wants but not so open that you never stick up for yourself. If there’s something you don’t wanna do or just don’t wanna do at the moment, say something but say it respectfully. 

These are some of my tips. Hope it helps you if you try any of them. Good luck:)

0m June 16th


Let their actions speak to you more than their words or your own emotions.

Observe them in their surroundings and comfort zone, see how they interact with others that they've known a long time like their parents, siblings, old friends, even exes. It tells a lot about their values.

Once you've found the right person who you'd like to start and maintain a relationship with, whether platonic or romantic, remember people might forget gifts or words, they forget arguments and compliments - but they always remember how you made them feel.

If they are special and precious to you, don't be afraid to show it. This means different things to different people e.g. some people feel pampered if you took the time and trouble to learn how to cook their favourite dish to perfection, others might feel special if you plan a surprise for them, some might feel a connection if you make time regularly to interact in person, or build small routines that build shared positive memories, etc. The important thing is building that connection that consistently brings happiness to you both - I believe all those happy moments together will combine to form the basis for building and maintaining the relationship.