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Im afraid of getting dumped

Dancingwithnoone December 7th, 2020

This is the first time ive opened up my heart to someone. Tomorrow is out 1 year aniversary and im just scared. I dont want my heart broken. What if he decides tomorrow that he doesnt wanna be with me. Idk maybe im crazy

resourcefulOwl7361 December 23rd, 2020

@Dancingwithnoone hi! You're not crazy, I feel like I always have those thoughts even in my current 9 year relationship ๐Ÿ˜† it helps to "fact check" your thoughts, like do you have proof this is true? And try to realize that they're just thoughts and not the truth. It's something that I'm constantly working on and I hope it gets easier for you too. And congrats on making it to 1 year! That's awesome ๐Ÿ™‚

7motivation December 7th, 2020


Here are some tips from the internet... perhaps one might have something that might help...

Perhaps there are ways one could prepare to either...

lessen the impact if it does happen... or

have a strategy to raise the topic of... re-defining the relationship ...if possible or if needed... rather than ending the relationship... or

have a strategy to think-out what one would want... if things had to change... so one plans in advance before the topic comes up

Please forgive any typos above.