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Anxiety about my marriage

zimmy December 27th, 2020

Hi friends. Ive been married for a couple of years, we've been together for 3. My husband is in the military and I feel that he's in a very dark place right now. He got hurt doing his job, and hes in the midst of medically discharging from the army (he's leaving because of his injury).

He has awful nightmares every night, and we haven't had sex in months. In general I feel like our relationship is still strong, we've never been very sex based.

We moved across the country to where he was stationed, and I havent been able to find work since we've moved. Public transportation sucks here, and we only have one car. If I were to uber to work it would be around $40 to get somewhere and $40 to get back. So I'd basically be making no money. He's made a handful of comments about me getting a job, and we've had talks about me working but we always end up agreeing that I wouldn't make enough for it to be worth it.

I actually love working and it kills me that I've got nothing to do. So now my mom is visiting, and she's making me feel really anxious about the situation. She makes it sound like my husband resents me because he works and I don't. And she told me that it's not good that we aren't having sex. My husband's injury makes it difficult for him to even walk around, but she said that's an excuse and that really he just doesn't want to have sex with me.

Help?? I am so anxious lol

SilentSerenityy December 27th, 2020


I'm sorry you're in this situation.

Why is your mother so involved in your relationship though and how does she know so much? You know your relationship better than she does, so having her breathing down your neck isn't going to help anyone.

It might be best to keep the details of your relationship private from her, it seems she's not helping you feel any better about the situation anyway. It would be different if she was actually supportive, but she's making you feel terrible! I think keeping her out of your relationship will be beneficial so you can focus on your marriage.