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Telephone Conversations count as infidelity?

Caro202 May 14th

I've been in a partnership relationship for more than 2 years. When I first started dating my boyfriend/Partner he had just gotten separated from his wife of 25 years. One day I found him texting with a woman (NOT HIS EXWIFE) but someone else who wrote him"I love you" I confronted him but things went normal, in 2022 I found out that he had communicated with that same woman but he denied it and said he just tried to tell her he was In a relationship w me. Fast forward to April 2023 I found plenty of calls daily, multiple times a day with the same person. I asked him to leave prior to me finding out about this due to other issues we have but he refuses to leave. If he finds this woman so special that his communication still persist why is he still trying to be with me ? Although he says those are just calls I don't want to believe him and just want him out. And that's not all-found lots of calls between him and his ex wife. 🙄

toughTiger6481 May 14th


Some call a look at someone an infidelity that is a slippery slope labeling anything without knowing more.  

I think he wants all options open .... are you are his fall back option.....  ? 

I do not know about the the other woman ...some friends say i love you... i think it is weird but know a few. 

but lots of calls between him and ex do they have kids/ or shared anything like assets they could be talking about?   

Caro202 OP May 15th

No kids or property in common with the ex. He talked so much trash about his ex. Apparently she cheated on him so having long conversations throughout the day make no sense to me.

He has no family in the state where we live so I feel sorry for him to start all over. I want him at times but most of me I want out.

dlc87 May 15th

I'm a little more concerned that he refused to leave and want you to make sure you are in an okay situation. Past that, yes, many people do say I love you and so on but... an emotional affair is an affair period. When something that is sacred to you is being given to someone else that's cheating. All I can say without more info is that there needs to be more communication and it sounds like he needs to, at the least, really listen and acknowledge your concerns. I'm still holding on to hope and fighting in my situation, but I can tell you your gut is saying something isn't right. You should figure out what that is and trust it.

Caro202 OP May 16th

Thank you for your feedback and hope you can find comfort foe your situation soon. In Spanish we have a way to intensely say I love you to a person. That term is Te amo. If we say te quiero is OK to say it when we care.

He owns a business and has a lot of financial stress for a while. Finances has been a reason why we've been having issues. I made the stupidity to confront his ex wife by phone and she told me that he does not leave my house because he is stable here and mentioned the fact he wasn't helping me financially. So therefore I feel betrayed and used. This is something only he and I knew was happening.