Solo Thriving
Many people consider loneliness an epidemic, but thriving alone can be beneficial in many ways. Thriving solo is essential because it builds self-reliance, confidence, and emotional strength. When we learn to enjoy our company, we become less dependent on others for happiness and validation. It allows us to discover our true passions, develop new skills, and grow at our own pace. Being comfortable alone also improves decision-making, as we learn to trust ourselves without external influence. Additionally, self-sufficiency makes relationships healthier since we connect with others out of choice rather than need. Ultimately, thriving solo leads to personal fulfillment and a deeper understanding of oneself.
@Heera72 Thank you for sharing! So, the tips are basically: Validate the pain, reach out to people around you, be ok with being alone, do things for other people, talk to strangers, join new groups, use online spaces wisely, and get professional mental health help if needed. Is that everything? That's all I remember off the top of my head.
@Heera72 While I agree with bascially everything in the article, I found it interesting that the only 'danger' they assigned to socializing online is that people on social media post illusions of happy beautiful lives and that can make you feel bad about yourself and your own life in comparison. The thing is, I think basically all socialization online is a bit dangerous- we aren't built to make connections to strangers through screens, it doesn't work like that. We need facial expressions, eye contact, body warmth, to just even SMELL the other person, feel them make an indent in the couch next to you.
@Heera72 It's not natural for us to so easily join groups and then abandon them just as easily with no reprecussions- no one is really themselves on the internet. We create puppets of ourselves just to talk to other puppets and we are all flighty and overly-confident in our stranger-status.