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I posted something

Priscella July 12th

I posted something saying how I couldn’t go to dinner and be relaxed and wanted to cry and how it was bad and my ex messaged me just saying “wtf are you wtf are you doing wtf *** this” and I saw my initial reaction was fear… part of me hoped he’d come back nice but no.. he’s still the same.. wtf why can’t I see how bad he is and like dislike him 😭

toughTiger6481 July 18th


You can see it .......but like so many perhaps you gloss over what they are really like.......  because you saw maybe you still see that they could be something better....  

I find the hardest things to let go are not things you can touch but a vision of what we see in our heads... when things end for whatever reason we miss the plan/ or idea  hold in our heads.... because often the real life version does not match.  

Only when we have a new vision of what we want or can see a way out do we acknowledge what we do see.