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I feel like my husband isn’t attracted to me anymore

User Profile: compassionateFriend6011
compassionateFriend6011 October 3rd, 2023

We have been married for 10 years. I have gained weight after having my last baby 9 years ago. I have been trying to lose weight. I barely eat as it is. But I’m not losing weight. We don’t eat out at all only for special occasions. I weigh about 200lbs. I’m on medication, and my doctor is referring me to a health specialist. I have had tests run for my thyroids and for diabetes. Everything came back normal. My husband doesn’t want sex with me much anymore. I feel like he isn’t attracted to me anymore. I don’t know what else to do. He would rather *** than be with me.

User Profile: Blahblah1805
Blahblah1805 October 3rd, 2023


I'm sorry that you're facing this. But sweetheart not eating can ruin your health right. I know you want to maintain a healthy relationship with your husband which is really great but you should take care of yourself first.

Sending lots of strength and love to you❤❤

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 October 3rd, 2023


Did he say he is not or is it you just feel that being self conscience ? losing weight is hard and what works for one person does not work for another etc.... NOT or barely eating has the opposite effect as your body shuts down the metabolism thinking it is in starvation mode.... it can also be hurtful to your health.

going to doctor you had tests and found normal function what do you think a specialist will do for you?

maybe suggest a diet or plan but in the long run it is up to YOU to stick with and do ....

if you have tried exercise or strength training etc how long did you give it? i started a self designed program and took almost 8 weeks to see scale difference and start really see it reshaping my body.... had several friend who wanted to do same type but if they did not think they saw a difference in 2 weeks they quit ... reshaping yourself takes time ... sometimes up to or more then a year ....

i look at it as me time and doing it for myself not spouse or anyone else and it worked if you are depriving yourself and miserable doing it because you are trying to do for others .... many self sabotage.

it will be a mental work as well as physical and they person who should motivate and cheer you on is YOU.

User Profile: starryCandy6123
starryCandy6123 October 3rd, 2023

@compassionateFriend6011 hi how do you know he’s going off you, you must not stop eating. Talk to him, uou may find there is something, you don’t know about

User Profile: SteveMiller
SteveMiller October 3rd, 2023


Hello, there, I'm a listener here too. If you want to chat with me about that issue, I'm here to help.

Cheers 😊

User Profile: Realist85
Realist85 October 4th, 2023

I’m so sorry you are going through these emotions. See what the health specialist has to say and take things from there. Work on yourself and focus on feeling beautiful for you. If you aren’t happy with yourself it’s hard to be happy with anyone. Has he express he isn’t attracted to you?

User Profile: Warpedme
Warpedme October 4th, 2023

He should want to be with you if he loves you regardless. However, no specialist is going to solve your weight issue. It is as simple as calories vs. calories out. I have no thyroid. Does it make it harder to gain weight and lose weight, yes. However, ultimately you have to eat better and exercise or eat less. There's no magic fix.

Did your husband gain weight and has he kept his appearance up. It's the opposite with my husband and myself. I keep myself looking good. He just gains weight. However, I love him anyway. I just encourage him to lose weight for his health.

Your husband could be unattracted to you sexually because of weight and still love you. He might also just be concerned about your health. He could be having his own issue.

Either way, your health is the most important. If you improve that, you may be surprised at what else improves. It's hard but so worth the effort. Best of luck with your health and your marriage. 😊♥️.

FYI I'm skinny, and I'm looking into workouts now coincidentally enough. I have zero motivation. Trust me, I'm not judging. 😂

User Profile: compassionateFriend6011
compassionateFriend6011 OP November 5th, 2023

Thanks guys! It’s more of me being self conscious. Deep down I know he loves me. It’s just I want sex all the time and he doesn’t. But he will *** more than wanting sex with me. That’s what upsets me at times. I have been losing weight just not as much as I want to see the results. I have lost 15 pounds. I go to a specialist sometime in the next few weeks I’ll see what they tell me.

thank you all for the kinds words and advice! It’s greatly appreciated!

User Profile: intellectualGlobe2902
intellectualGlobe2902 November 5th, 2023

Have an open communication about it. Talk to him and explain how you're feeling. Ask him to let you know if he's facing any problems in life or workplace altogether. A heart to heart conversation is really necessary to clear out confusion. From there, you will know where things are heading.

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User Profile: compassionateFriend6011
compassionateFriend6011 OP November 6th, 2023

There is no open communication with him. If I voice my feelings , he says I’m being a drama Queen. And acting like a teenager. He gets very annoyed

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User Profile: virtualhugsanytime
virtualhugsanytime November 5th, 2023

Hey I'm so sorry that you are facing this. Just know that firstly none of this is your fault. And please don't stop eating because of this as it has many health issues. Instead firstly please communicate with your husband as it all may just be you overthinking. And if you just want to be fit then try healthy ways to do so like exercise. Sending you a lot of love. And just take care of yourself. 🙌🍀

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User Profile: compassionateFriend6011
compassionateFriend6011 OP November 6th, 2023

Thanks for your response. But it is my fault. I let myself go. After having my last child 8 years ago, I gained so much weight. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been. My husband said I’m lazy and don’t do anything around the house. He told a friend of his I just bore him now when we have sex the he’s just not attracted to me anymore.😭

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