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I don't understand this stuff (need advice + general rant)

sunnyangel3333 August 7th

I don't understand people - there i said it

There's a lot happening in my life regarding relationships of all sorts, friends, family, romance - all of it. Just got out of like the worst break up ever (not my first one), and it hurt more than any of the others did by a long shot. As far as friendships go, i put them to the side for a very long time to keep my relationship together, truth is my ex took almost all my energy. 

So yeah, don't have many friends, but it's getting better i guess. In family, trying to build a better relationship with my dad, moving into an apartment with my mom - and my mom and i have sort of an iffy relationship. she's verbally ab/sive on bad days, and sort of implies and acts like i'm the reason her life sucks? 

In terms of romance, i'd actually like some advice is anyone has any! I've been in romantic relationships yes, but only 1 of them (most recent) was one where i was really in love with someone, so i don't understand how to navigate things properly. I struggle a lot socially, so i can't pick up when others feel romantically for me. I also don't know how to tell others when i feel for them? But heres the thing i need advice on: 

there are currently 2 people in my life i think i might be interested in, and they're both giving me signals, but i'm not sure if they're those kinda signals. The online friend tells me they enjoy my compony, and that i help them and make them smile more than i know i do, and that they love talking to me every day. The other irl friend jumps at every chance to hang out with me, and seems to be wanting to get me some jewelry as a gift.. I asked if he wants to hang out, and he wants to come to my house for a movie day. I can't tell if either of them like me like that, and i'm too afraid to feel anything for either of them until i know...? Can anyone help me understand whether or not i'm misunderstanding social cues, and if i'm not, any advice on how to move forward with this stuff? I want to like someone, but i'm the kind not to start loving them unless i know they like me back 

toughTiger6481 August 8th


When I read especially the last line of your post ... " i want to like someone"  ... when we want a relationship we can often  see or misread cues .......that were not there.   If it is clear we want a relationship bad players  can sense it and make it hard to know what their motive is. 

It sounds like the IRL friend is into you.  If  he wants to hang out .... hopefully you do all things like not only hanging out for movies at home .... I  would be confused about talks of gifts unless they actually materialize.     Online relationships while fun and feel real it is harder to judge because answers can be carefully constructed and no body language  advantage is seeing if they are sincere.    

put yourself first ... when you love and respect yourself you will not fall for false cues.