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How long until no contact starts to work?

User Profile: diplomaticSail1449
diplomaticSail1449 November 17th, 2023

I've been no contact with my crush for 6 months and I just miss him more and more each day and I don't know what to do... He never had a relationship but we were very close friends for over two years. He didn't always treat me right that's why we're no contact now but I really miss him and Idk what to do.

User Profile: KatePersephone
KatePersephone November 18th, 2023

@diplomaticSail1449 hi there. thank you for sharing this with the community!

it can be very difficult to stay off contact with someone that you have feelings for. 
for each person, no contact works differently. there are people that can manage after a few days/weeks without contact, and there are people who can take way more till no contact starts working for them. it is not a one size fits all in this situation, unfortunately.