Hello everyone.
My ex dumped me last November. After two years and a half .
He never loved me and it was just affection.
I was hoping the feeling would have grown with time also because he is the typical good man and sweet .
The fact that a good guy hurt me so bad is even more difficult.
He said he will be still around to help me (I'm in financial need) but I need to move on.
Some days are okay other ones like today are harder
@sympatheticSquare6031 thank you for sharing this with us, Square.
i understand how painful it can be for you.
Im currently in your situation, I definitely feel your agony. I hope things look up for you soon. It’s an up and down journey 😔 but I’m hoping more ups for the both of us! 🌼
It'll be fine for both of you. This shall too pass.
Everything will be fine, you will be okay, stay strong.
I can’t handle it anymore and I’m really upset I’d love to talk with you