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Another spiral

lovingBirch549 October 22nd, 2023

I’m sorry to post about similar things all the time but my therapist said it’s better out than in and sometimes just writing it helps.

I had a really big meltdown on Friday. To the guy I’m seeing specifically as he had to cancel coming to see me. The circumstances weren’t his fault at all but I was honest with him and I told him I was upset and why. I do feel really bad for being so upset and irate but I was just so upset.

trying to accept we have different love languages and ways of showing how we feel is very difficult..and I want to accept him for who he is..he’s not a texted he’s not on his phone a lot. I know he’s definitely not talking to anyone else so I’m not insecure in that sense but I just struggle with coming to terms with it. I just get so anxious that he isn’t that into me anymore bc I’m still learning to understand how he shows it.

we are taking things slow but my relationship anxiety is just rearing it’s ugly head and I’m so scared that I have or am going to ruin things. Sorry to rant but had to say something bc it feels like I’m going to explode.

RebelliousLight October 22nd, 2023

I am sooo sorry about this.

As someone who also has experienced this and has bad anxiety I understand the pain you feel. That worry and the racing heart beat.

I can say that it gets better once you are with the right partner. Sometimes people have different love languages but if u love someone you will love them how they want be loved, not how you want to be loved. That's just part of a relationship. Making sacrifices and adjustments for your partner.

I bet you have heard this 1000 times. But communication actually is key. He chose to be with you. So your anxiety should be his concern. While it is not his job to fix you. It is his job to care for you.

I would advise for you to educate your partner on how you would like to be treated when put in such a difficult position. Like would you like space or would you like small things like his company. There are many ways your partner can support you. The right partner will.

Him not showing you love an affection the way you want it is something I have also dealt with. But at the end of the day he is with YOU not himself. He should love YOU in the ways that make YOU feel loved. With consent and reason of course.

At the end of the day a relationship is a partnership. Sometimes 1 person may not be at their best and that means adjustments must be made to make it improve. Sometimes dealing with a partner where it doesn't feel like you are being loved properly is very hard. But it's to ensure that you feel happy in your relationship.

Good luckkkk

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lovingBirch549 OP October 22nd, 2023


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RebelliousLight October 22nd, 2023


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unassumingCar1350 October 23rd, 2023

Your feelings are valid and getting them out is best, what is his love language might I ask

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lovingBirch549 OP October 23rd, 2023

Physical touch definitely and in person we both meet that need really well

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KitsuneTheFox October 27th, 2023


There's nothing wrong with telling a person that you are disappointed he couldn't make it, that you were totally looking forward to seeing each other. He is disappointed too. Just make sure you aren't putting your feelings of disappointment on him, and not what caused it - which is the *** weather. You don't want to say something that boils down to, 'I wish you literally risked your life on terrible roads to come see me, that since you didn't you don't care about me, if you cared, you would have made the trip come *** or high water.' He needs to feel loved from you too, so you being sad but understanding goes a way, because it tells him that his wellbeing matters. You don't communicate this by saying 'I know it's not your fault the weather is bad, buuuut it is your fault you didn't come at the scheduled time." Expressing disappointment is fine, just express the upset at the weather, not your guy; to your guy communicate that it's upsetting because you enjoy him, was looking forward to seeing him. Try to refrain from saying things that infer he has failed you, that your happiness rests on him, that he has let you down, that you can't get over this failure. It's unfortunate if he can't then move stuff around to see you on the Sunday, but he shouldn't have to keep backup days open just in case of a mishap on the planned day. On the days that he isn't available, you would feel loved if he changed them to you-days, who wouldn't, but sometimes you just have to make the request and if he says he can't, accept the loss. It sucks, but the world is not ending. And it doesn't mean he doesn't love you. He's travelling a handful of hours to get to you weekly. What sucks is the *** weather, not your guy.