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Am I Wrong?

Every year my bf and I buy flowers for our backyard. When I say “we” I mean me. I always go out, buy them and plant them, and every year my bf says, “buy whatever you want. Decorate it however you want.” Every year I always buy the same red, pink and white flowers and every year it looks the same but this year I went to a new garden centre and they had different stuff. I ended up with similar looking flowers but instead I got red, purple and black (not normally something I would buy but I really wanted different this year and they looked fun mixed with other colours) I came home, planted them all myself and then my bf takes a look at them and got so mad at me for buying black. I tried to explain that I was different and would look fun but he was not having it. I reminded him that he told me I could get what I wanted and especially when I was doing all the work myself that I was going to get something that I wanted. He told me he only says that but doesn’t actually mean I should get what I want. I should be thinking what would he want.

Every year I ask if he wants to come and help pick them out and plant them and every year he says no.

I think he is being ridiculous for getting so mad at me over this. I bought what I wanted, I was the one doing all the work, if the role was reversed I wouldn’t be mad at him buying what he wanted especially if I was refusing to participate.

Now he is beyond mad at me, saying next year he will take care of it because he can’t trust me with buying flowers.

Is he right? Should I have bought what he wanted? Ignoring what I thought would look cool?

turquoisefox18 May 26th

Is he right? Absolutely not!! That is so ridiculous. I'm surprised he would even care about the colors. But especially since you gave him so many opportunities to be involved and give his input, he has no place to be so upset now. Sure, he could say "I'm not crazy about black flowers. Next year let's go together and decide on something we both like." That would be fair. But his response is totally out of line.

PineTreeTree May 27th

@forcefulSea7026 No! He is being a p**** (sharp part of a rose). He is not being rational. He is being unfair. So next year let him go do ALL the work, going to get the flowers by himself, picking the flowers by himself. Planting, watering, tending, weeding, everything by himself. And if he doesn’t let your yard be dirt and weeds! If you give in *** be a d*** about something else more important than flowers! He doesn’t get to make arbitrary rules that you didn’t know about and then punish you when you supposedly were to read his mind! F*** that!