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Is it too late?

decembernight0608 July 8th, 2015

I was in an almost relationship with someone who now sees me as a friend, but I still have all these feelings for him. I'm currently the babysitter for his kids also.He has two kids and a third one on the way and I really want to tell him everything that I've been meaning to say but was too afraid to say to him.

I just wonder is it too late to say something? I know I need some closure, but I know I may never get it. I just don't know if I waited too long to tell him exactly how I was feeling about everything and how he hurt me. I know he's moved on, but I haven't even though it's been 6 months.

Should I lay everything on the table or should I just suck it up and try and mask my feelings?

SupaMusk August 7th, 2016


My advice may suck. Tell him, but prepare for the worst while still hoping for the best.

SilentSerenityy July 27th, 2016


I apologise that no-one responded to you in a timely manner, but we're trying to prevent this. I hope your situation has improved and 7 Cups is supportive to you. I wish you well!