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How do I talk about it?

Carol2004 July 13th, 2019

Sorry this is a bit long!

So a very close friend of mine slowly drifted away from me over the course of a few months. It wasnt because of school or work or anything, she just found a new friend group and left me behind. I was really hurt back then but was able to move on and Im pretty over it. But a couple months back she started to reach out again, pretending as if nothing had changed and we were still just as close. I decided to ask her straight up if we were still friends, she said of course and seemed pretty surprised that Id considered the friendship dead/dying? Shes apologized for it briefly since and has made an effort to reach out to me, but I still feel weird about it. Im open to being friends again but I cant trust her the same. Shes under the impression that Im fine with it all, which is my fault because I havent been completely honest to her. Id like to clear things up, but I have no idea how to start that conversation, or if I even should? Our interactions are just so weird now and Im tempted to just leave the friendship as is and not even try to rebuild it. Advice?

Coster02 July 14th, 2019

@Carol2004 Talk! In most cases, a serious talk can easily fix a problem like this. You might be afraid or worried to talk because you dont want to make a big deal about it or think its better to leave things like they are but I can assure a serious talk will fix it or at least give you assurance that she has really drifted away from you. How do you start that conversation? You go straight to the point. Tell her the issue and about how things have changed and she will understand. If she truly cares she will make an attempt to re-build the friendship you once had with her.

Carol2004 OP July 16th, 2019

@Coster02 thanks for the advice! I think I just need to rip off the bandaid at this point