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positiveions May 28th, 2016

I'm a 17 year old boy and recently I met a problem like this:

I'm a 17 student studying in first class. Few weeks ago, I started to fall for my classmate. We were friends before and we cared for each other in many ways, as a friend. But then one day I was feeling down and she was there comforting me, telling me everything will be okay. Me feeling down is a rare thing because I'm actually a positive and optimistic guy, I can always solve problems without stress, but this time thing was different.

With her support and her company, I found my way out, and developed a special feelings for her. Our relationship became extremely close from that day. And one day I asked her about her feelings. She said she also find me interesting and had some kind of special feelings too. From that day, we become very close friends, we made a deal because we won't want to start dating as we are in the first class, academics come first.

In the next few weeks, we were there for each other, saying we're friends but acting more like couple. And then boom, I started to love her, I may not know what is definition of love, but I know this feelings of mine is extraordinary than liking someone. I actually started to think about future of us ( even I knew it was too immature). I fell so hard for her, that's when the problem kicked in.

Few days ago, she told me, she saw me as an important person, a shoulder to cry on, but not as a couple, a boyfriend. I told her it's okay. I'll always be there.

positiveions OP May 28th, 2016

In the next few days, our relationship became awkward. I thought she was feeling down because of life problems. I asked her for times and she finally told me:

you're a good guy, and I like spending times with you, but for now I have no that kind of feelings. I can see that you like me, but I don't want to hurt you. Don't like me, you will suffer

It hurts her feelings to hurt me, but I still insisted to stay with her. After I think for sometime, I realized I was not giving her space and time, saying we are friends but acting otherwise, this make her feel stressed.

So I made a decisions, I told her to forgot these days, let's just be friends like before, not close friends, but like few years ago. She agreed.

when I thought everything is over, I started to feel lonely. I can't get used to feel like this, weeks ago I have a bae ( we called each other bae) but now I was empty

She needs time, but I had reach the point of loving someone too deep

May 28th, 2016

@positiveions I'm so sorry that you feel like you were suddenly friendzoned after thinking that you were going to be a couple. It sounds as if you both weren't sure what you wanted and kind of went head first into it. I know that can be difficult to go through but it sounds like she is still an important part of your life. I think giving her some time and space would be best, as you had suggested. If she has realized that she just wants to be friends, then it just means it wasn't meant to be and that you're one step closer to finding the right girl to be with! Just keep hopeful and let things happen as they come, that's all you need to do.

I hope this helped a little and that you feel better soon. Take care heart

positiveions OP May 29th, 2016

@KindListening yes, things happened too fast and none of us prepared for it. Thanks for listening too, I hope things can get better