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Feeling done with lasting friendships

MoonMirrorPromise February 29th, 2020

So. My past is pretty icky. Not the ickiest, but not warm and fuzzy, more like slimey and incidious. From the ages of 15-25, I had one main best friend, who ended up being a narcissist that took advantage of my mental illnesses to keep me dependent on her and constantly feeding her with supply of attention and validation. Sigh, it really messed me up.

I've moved, and I've formed new friend groups, but I've always been the sort of person who wants to nurture the friendships I have and cherish them. This got sticky with mutual friends I had with my ex-abusive "best friend". Though they seemed understanding of my experiences and listened to me... well, last year, we ALL moved. So no one is within convenient distance to hang out anymore. But I wanted to do my best to let some of my hometown friends that they were important to me and I think of them fondly, even if they're mutually friends with someone they knew hurt me...

Recently, though... those friends have become cold and one started ghosting. And then I realized our shared experiences didn't matter to them like they did to me...

It's made me really uncomfortable with even my new friendships, I just think "what's the point... when they'll just decide I'm not worth the time one day..." I want friends who I can grow old with, but that's treated as unreasonable? I don't meab message each other evryday close, but just.. happy to hear from each other... jeez, is that so bad...?

DesultoryTh0ught February 29th, 2020

@MoonMirrorPromise - I cant say I am in the same boat but I can understand what you are dealing with and thats really hard. Especially because people can manipulate you and you dont realize its happening. I think our brains obsess about the good or bad that we want to see and so we ignore the good or bad that actually exists. I wish I could see your message as I reply within the app but anyway I dont think you should give up but I also think you have to look at yourself and see how you came to find the narcissist friend and what part of you she was feeding into and what you might learn from that relationship to avoid falling into that trap again with other people and find someone who genuinely just likes you for you. I say that as someone who struggles with codependency issues and codependent people gravitate towards narcissists. Codependents constantly try to please and narcissists constantly demand attention.

MoonMirrorPromise OP March 1st, 2020

@DesultoryTh0ught Thank you for the response! I think you're right about the obsessing over even the good/bad in people and situations. I think from my hometown friends pulling away, even the ones I thought were "good"- I realized that... it's not that they were "bad" people, but they were sub-par friends... they rarely reached out to me even when we lived in the same city, and they often forgot about me which resulted in me being excluded from a lot of gatherings. Since it was always them compared to this reeeally hurtful and selfish friend, I guess they seemed soooo wonderful... but yeah. My new friends are more sincere, available, and attentive then anyone from my hometown ever was... I think that's what I've had to accept. That maybe those friendships weren't honestly that great to begin with.

Also, thank you for sharing the advice about how codependent people are drawn to narcissists, I do think about that often. I only recently realized that I was the codependent who fed into her callous selfish and egotistical behavior, and she gaslit me into thinking I was the burden for her, since she had to "put up with me" essentially. Blegh. I'm very sensistive to the red flags of people like that now, so I think for now I'll be ok in avoiding another person like that in the future though. I'll just stay vigilant. Thank you!

itssnowinginmarch March 7th, 2020

@MoonMirrorPromise I feel you on so many levels. My best friend used to do that too when we were younger, luckily in high school we weren't on the same class anymore so I was able do develop my own true personality. I think you should work on how you were back in that days and how far you have come now, you should use that awful experience so you can improve and be happier.
For the other friends; being far away is super challenging, you have to make time for them but I advice you to be careful, if you are the only one that is doing everything to keep the friendship alive you should reconsider them. I've known this girl for almost eleven years now and we live two hours and a half away from each other, but we always manage to keep talking and hanging out when we can. But we both worked hard for it, so please be careful.
I'm sure you will eventually find a good group of friends that will respect you and care about you, don't stop trying, just don't waste your time and your amazingness on people that won't do the same for you. All relationships are meant to be both ways.

MoonMirrorPromise OP March 14th, 2020

@itssnowinginmarch All your advice is super kind and validating, thank you!! I actually have started to employ a lot of that way of thinking: realizing how much I put in and how much other people put into relationships. I realized that a ton of those people never really put in their fair share of effort, even when we lived in the same city. So I really take this to heart and am more careful now with who I put my time and effort into staying in contact with.

It's really interesting, thinking about me from then and me now. It's interesting because I actually feel more like I made a full circle, like returning to who I really am and really was before someone convinced me I was something else- someone powerless, useless, and unwanted. It's like rediscovering myself and I'm just so glad I'm free now.