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How do I get past this?

St4rb0y6981 May 10th, 2023

So me and my girlfriend have been dating for around 7 or 8 months now, and I have severe depression and anxiety along with a lot more, (My girlfriend knows about all of my mental problems) When I try to get reassurance she never does anything, She does all of these things to me that I dont like (yes ive talked to her about it) and she doesnt stop, all of my friends suggested i break up with her but i really cant. and i wont, i know she knows that what she is doing is bothering me, and she CONSTANTLY (sorry for the caps) gets mad at me which sets my ptsd off and i go into a panic attack, this has happened probably more than a handful of times. what do i do?

(and she does so much more but thats just some)

pip2106 May 10th, 2023

Firstly, I am sorry you are going through this. Secondly, if you have already spoken with her and she is still consciously continuing these actions, it says that she truly does not care about you/your feelings. I’m sorry if that comes off as harsh or rude, but it’s just unfortunately true. I have been there before in a past relationship and that past parent did not care about how his actions made me feel and he continued to do those after countless discussions. You deserve someone who will work with you and care about you feelings

much love - 🫶🏻

St4rb0y6981 OP May 10th, 2023

@pip2106 Thank you so much /gen I've tried speaking to her multiple times after the panic attacks and yet she never seems to care or she just says "Oh" I've told her that short replies that "Oh", "okay/Ok" and such make me overthink and panic, but she still continues (this is still apart of the topic) when i ask if shes mad at me she only replies with "No", This has happened countless times, and some points in time she would ignore me and leave me on read for days at a time, it got to weeks at that point. And whilst ignoring me, she would talk to my friends (mutual friends between us but I introduced them to her) My friend Sam recently called her out for all she's done, and she ended up blocking most of our/my friends including me, she emailed me, trying to break up with me, yet i stayed clingy towards her and we ended up getting back together. that happened 3? days ago, im not sure.

pip2106 May 10th, 2023

May I ask why you are still with her? I am not trying to some rude, but I really am curious because she does not sound nice, fun, sweet or happy to be around (Sorry). Again, you deserve someone who is going to support you and respect you!

St4rb0y6981 OP May 10th, 2023

@pip2106 She does have her sweet moments and she makes me feel loved, And the thing is, she's the best partner ive ever had, So I guess im just scared to find someone who will treat me like everyone else has, and i love her a lot.

pip2106 May 10th, 2023

I second Tiger. It may be scary, but you could be missing out on someone who really DOES care about you. Like, for REAL.

toughTiger6481 May 10th, 2023


If you have talked to her ........and she still disregards your feelings i doubt that is going to change......

I find people who do not make an effort after being explained why it bothers you they have an issue.

AGirlWithAWeirdName May 15th, 2023


Anything that takes away your peace shouldn't be anywhere near you. I say this from a place of care. This world is too damn complex for you to subject yourself to mental toture just because you think she cares for you (although debatable). I think you are scared of letting her go because you feel you are lucky to even have her and that you probably wouldn't have the same luck twice. Trust me, she knows this too, which is why she continues to do the things she does without any care in the world.

At the end of the day, it's still your decision to make. But I can tell you this, you are worth so much more than that. You deserve someone who loves and respects you regardless of your condition.

charmingsoul07 May 16th, 2023

@St4rb0y6981 "It sounds like you're dealing with a lot of challenging situations in your relationship, and it's understandable that it's taking a toll on your mental health."

How does it make you feel when your girlfriend gets mad at you and triggers your PTSD?

It seems like you've been communicating your concerns to your girlfriend, but she hasn't been responsive or stopped the behaviors that bother you. This lack of support has been triggering panic attacks and exacerbating your mental health issues."

"It can be really challenging when someone we care about doesn't provide the support we need. It's important to prioritize your mental well-being and find ways to cope with the difficulties you're facing."