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Seeking validation

Lonelypetvet May 28th, 2018

I am not sure if this is the best place for this, but I wanted to write this down somewhere. Finally admitted to everyone here and myself. I am always getting dumped, and after my last break up, I have gone on a soul searching journey. Someone here on 7 cups of tea, suggested that I had issues in which I seek validation in realstionships. At the time I was not ready to hear it but after researching it, I think it probably true. Both in friendships, as well as romantic relations.

Why am this way? I have done much thought on this. At face value, I had a normal childhood with both parents. In reality, my dad while there, is not emotionally present. He buries himself in work. My mom is the opposite, she is overly emotional. She also has many health issues. They as couple fought a lot. At times it felt like I had to hold things together, taking care of my mom, preventing any fighting and disagreements, and constantly trying to be perfect for both of them to be happy. And now as an adult I have done nothing to change that.

Now I am trying to change. I am not sure how to do that, but I am trying. Trying to learn to be happy with myself, as well as learn to do things for myself. I figured admitting the problem and recognizing the reasoning behind it was a good next step. Thank you all for reading, and I thought that I would invite anyone else that may have similar feelings or concerns to share their stories. If anyone has any recommendations they would appreciated

ASilentObserver June 10th, 2018

@Lonelypetvet Appreciate your efforts to accept yourself the way you are and putting efforts to make things better for your life. I know sometimes it is hard to focus on oneself due to the happenings around one.

I hope you feel better and get what you truly deserve. We're here with you to support. Keep it going <3 Thank you for sharing with us.

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