What Makes a Relationship Great?
Whether it's a romantic one or not, what qualities make a relationship "perfect" to you?
Understand with a bond
Respect, trust, understanding and same drive.
understand each other even in silence.
@mikhaela Love this! Or when there is never ackward silence
I think what makes a relationship great is two people that are willing to fight and go through hard times with each other. Two people that work towards understanding each other and communicate openly with one another. I also feel that a relationship with trust and honesty is important as well.
Good communication, even when times are tough
The most important quality to a relationship is to have no expectation of the other partner. We can't control our partner so we shouldn't expect them to change to make the situation better casue there is a chance that they wouldn't do what we want them to do. Waiting for them to solve the problem can lead us to being resentful, we could just change ourself. Our happiness isn't create by our partner's action but our contribution to the relationship.
Acceptance(with flaws): try to accept your partner as they are.
Transparency: tell what you think they should know, even if it is understood
Trust: trust them, not words but actions
Care: Be there , when they need you.
Communication: talk about the problems, fight on it if required but do talk
Understanding: this takes time , so spend time with them.