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New to the Relationship Stress Community? Introduce yourself here!! ❤️

ASilentObserver August 1st, 2018

Greetings from the Relationship Stress Community!!

Are you new to the Relationship Stress Community? Tell us some things about yourself and get to know others that joined the community this month!
Question prompts:

What brings you to the Relationship Stress community?

What is one thing you love most about yourself (or, perhaps, your loved ones)?

Benefits of being a member of the Relationship Stress Community:

Give and receive support from others who are in relationships.

Share your relationship journey (memories, struggles, challenges) in relevant topics comfortably.

Participate in community activities and events (eg. Check-ins, Icebreakers, Forum Discussions)

Plus, members who participate regularly could become part of the Relationship Stress team, as well!

Here are some quick links for you to check out:

our taglist! Join in to get updates on discussions and events.

check out this post for updates on weekly discussions!

check out our newest check-in here!

check this post with more information on how to navigate the community.

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact KatePersephone (teens and adults) or reply on this thread!

Do not be a lurker! Join us and introduce yourself here!!

tagging our newest subcribers: @determinedDrum4627Ayu @modestWriter18 @pretendflyer @Danyaabbasi @hardworkingPond3054 @SageTurtle @Promivala614 @softTree9053 @CafeGirl42 @problematiclife27 @orangeCup3761 @BrazenBrunette @christylucia96 @SerenNova @rationalApple816 @KiyKiy16 @navyLemon4199 @HurrMan @imaginativeJet6179 @lilacperfume124 @Planticorn7 @FindingMyVoice2 @LostInGame @Bibbbbu

[a brown and white bear dancing together while holding hands]

Are you new to the Relationship Stress community? Introduce yourself here!

Do you want to be the first to get updates on discussions and events? Consider joining the taglist!

Do you want to be updated on the weekly discussions in the Relationship Support Room? Subscribe to this thread!

Do you want to help out in the Relationship Stress Community? Consider becoming a forum supporter or a room supporter!

Edited by KatePersephone on 30.09.24

brokenvase1018 May 12th, 2021

Hello, I am new here. I am 30f and have been married for 9 years. We have 5 kids. We have had issues in our marriage come and go. The same issues over and over. I feel so hopeless. I feel so unhappy. I am emotionally traumatized by our relationship and how he has treated me and as a result I have put up a wall. I just am at a loss for what to do now and the past few days my depression has flared up and I’ve been so fatigued by it…

tidyStrawberries8263 May 12th, 2021

Hi, I am not sure what to say but I am determined to improve my marriage and I hope this resource can be one more piece to the puzzle.

kimballlemon May 31st, 2021

Hey, names kimball, married for almost 5 years in August. Been with my wife 8 years. Hit a very rough area looking to learn, express my frustration, and build a better marriage

amiableKite8298 June 6th, 2021

Hi, I am new here and would not like to share my name. I cannot help but feel like people just use me and no one cares. I have been the type to always try to help anyone if I can, especially the ones I called my friends but now I don't know what the word "friend" means. I am tired of being used and just be alone when I need someone. Even after begging my "friends" for help, all they would do is make things worse. I want to cut everyone out of my life so I can restart and stop being exploited so I can hopefully restart but it is not going very well. This is the worst time of my life and everyone who I thought would have helped me apparently don't have a drop of care for me. I am tired of forgiving them and I just want to not feel absolutely worthless all the time.

Cozyblanket July 15th, 2021

Hi, I’m mackenzie. My boyfriend broke up with me 6 months ago because I was having mental health problems and he thought it was best for me and himself. I thought I was over him but I went on a date the other day and it made me realize I think I still love him

straightforwardPear7630 July 15th, 2021

Hi I'm new here. I'm just learning how to build healthy relationship's.

gregariousLunch9522 July 19th, 2021

I'm new here.
Just trying to make friends, evaluate my friendships and better myself.

gregariousLunch9522 July 19th, 2021

I'm new here.
I'm looking to learn how to make good friends, evaluate my friendships/relationships and grow.

diplomaticOcean2966 July 23rd, 2021

Hey! I'm really happy to be Here because I feel as if i need some advice and support because times are tough right now and since I'm a teenager I don't really know how to deal with certain things because my emotions are quite overwhelming at times. So I'm glad to be here :)

wittyCup4054 August 3rd, 2021

Hello, just wanted to introduce myself. I am coming out of making the decision to break up with my girlfriend.

Quotegiver August 10th, 2021

Hello. My name is Taylor. I’m new to the group and to this app. I used it previously one time before and recently, I feel like I should reach out again. I’m trying to fix things in my personal relationship (I posted a thread before reading the description-I’m sorry for going out of order) and I really need advice because I’m honestly lost. Thank you all for input and support

courteousLand8092 February 9th, 2022

Hi everyone,

I’m new here and I’m hoping I could get some dating/relationship advice. I’m currently in a 3 year relationship with my boyfriend that I love very much and it’s my first time being in a relationship.😊 I would like to better communicate with him on issues that I bottle up inside and would love your support. Thank you ☺️ 🙏🏼

BrokenOak7521 August 10th, 2021

I’m new here. Struggling with infidelity of my spouse. It’s been 6 months and I’m stuck in this weird void of feeling both, dead to the world and on the verge of complete emotional distress

ChaiTeaCups August 11th, 2021

Hi there,
I'm very new to 7 Cups, so profuse apologies if I'm using the platform incorrectly, guidance is much appreciated :) .
I'm a young adult currently in a wonderful relationship with a loving boyfriend of 1 month. He's been incredibly supportive, and has made me realise how beautiful a relationship can be.
This has sadly come with the realisation that my previous relationship was not healthy, and following research and reflection, have come to terms with the fact it was abusive and manipulative. I'm here to seek support and learn how to deal with my past. Whilst I'm sure my current boyfriend would be more than willing to talk this through with me, I don't wish to burden him, or make him uncomfortable.
I have already been lucky enough to speak with one of your wonderful listeners, which has helped lift a weight off my shoulders, and I am very appreciative of the support I've been shown so far.
Thank you,

MySty2 August 15th, 2021

Hi there,

I've joined looking for answers on how to change As i tend to love alot.

I love too intensely and passionately and it can be apparently over bearing. Have been unable to find the same in reciprocation and have never found the right relationship or balance.

It appears to be associated with attachment styles so I'm wanting to address the root cause of things.

I'm not young anymore and don't want to miss out sharing my life with someone.

When i go emotional short circuit, would be nice to hear reason so i don't spiral incorrectly.

Looking firward to supporting but also being supported.



Cyn707 August 20th, 2021

Welp— I’m someone new and I just simply wish to help others and make friends I guess,

My name is Cyn (Nickname),

I don’t have too much going on so yeah,

Hope that I can somehow participate C:

vixi23 August 20th, 2021

Hello,i've made account here just couple of days ago but i didn't introduce myself properly.I just wanted to say i am really happy to have found this community.I am and have been going through a lot of stuff recently,in the past 6 months actually ,professionaly,personaly and emotionaly,so here it feels like a safe place if this makes sense.Am really glad i downloaded this app.

Lasweetbaby34 September 13th, 2021

Hello everyone!

My name is Mayra and I’m new here trying to figure out this website still and exploring some of the amazing things that they have here which I think are awesome and great resources. I been trying to find resources or any tips that could help me out with my toxic relationship that I’m currently in now. Not sure if you guys still check these posts because I see a lot of them that are from back 3 years ago. I just want to talk to more people that might be in a similar or at least part of the same relationship that I’m currently in, I cannot take it anymore I feel like I’m in a dark hole trap and I will never going to be able to come out. I currently live with 2 of my girls and my partner (Never been married). I also have 2 other boys that are not currently living with me anymore they are all independent living out of the household. So right now I’m stuck in a relationship of 14 years if you could call that a relationship at first my partner was really romantic and showed me he’s loved he even bought me gifts for my birthdays. But then a just a few years ago he started to began quiet not saying anything and then he just started drinking and drinking to the point that he cannot stop anymore. This is driving me insane I don’t like living with a person that is always drunk it also affects not only him, but also the entire family. I don’t know what happen to that sweet guy that I need before I miss him so much. I think that was only when we were girlfriend and boyfriend they act all romantic and such just to get what they want. Not sure what is going on with my partner I have tried to talk to him and ask him why he drinks so much and he doesn’t even know why. I’m thinking he is just depressed or something is definitely going on with him, he doesn’t pay attention to me anymore. He doesn’t shy no affection to me anymore so I feel so alone and hurt about this behavior of he’s. I don’t know if anyone has been in this type of relationship but to me is just concern to be toxic. We fight everyday and if we intend to go out all we do is fight and he just happens to be drinking and always rushing me every place we go. I think he is giving me lots of problems and I’m trying to make it work for the best of my girls but I’m just tired of all this. My depression, anxiety, diabetes is getting way worse and not sure if it’s because of he’s drinking problem. I will sure like to have some advice anything will help me I have no support or anyone I could turn to help me out. Thanks for listening if someone is still out there.. feeling emotional destroyed :(

barncat February 10th, 2022

@Lasweetbaby34- I found attending Al Anon useful for dealing with a partner who has alcohol or substance abuse. Best of luck to you.

Lasweetbaby34 February 10th, 2022


thank you so much for the info :)

novemberbirch9224 September 29th, 2021

Hello! I'm on 7cups to help me heal from cptsd and to cope with moving forward. My journey relationship-wise has been from going from one so-called man to another (in saying thst as they were toxic/abusers/ also say so-called person/woman/etc). I didnt realize I was bisexual until recently but labels like that never really came to my attention. Love is love....I'm with a man now who not only is kind, patient, understanding, and just an amazing human being all around, but someone who I believe is my soul mate. And with thst I am also trying to cope, as happiness usually ends with tragedy in my life... I try not to think about this beong a Grimm fairytale but some days I am scared of that....

mentallyAcat October 4th, 2021

Hi, um I don't know exactly what to say..... My name's Kc I'm in my 20s I'm currently in a relationship of like 3 years(which is a rough guess because we never officially asked each other out but eventually just referred to us as a couple). I've been engaged for a little over a year now, and it's the first relationship I've had that's lasted more than 3 months. I don't have many friends, I'm kinda down to 1 and its been a while since I've talked to them. Both our lives are just a little to busy and draining to catch up often. I currently live with my S.O at his mother's place(I'm not the biggest fan of her, shes kinda nosy super OCD and is the kinda person that will either repeat the point of the conversation she started multiple times or beat a round the bush hoping you'll get the hint) and I guess that's all that applies to this community.... I don't know if that was to much... To late now

xandia October 28th, 2021

Hello I hope to get some information on how to support and comfort my friends who are struggling with their own issues. Also, help with how I can be a better friend to others. xandia❤️

Lu5566 November 13th, 2021

Hi ,

I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Lu ( actually my nickname;)

I joined this sub community because I struggle with trusting people-

definitely affects my relationships and friendships :(

oh well-

on the mend…

thanks, gang!


marsjisoo December 1st, 2021

Hi there!

I've never done this before especially in an online community but I'll try. There's this girl who I've been talking to for 2 months (?) now I think. Due to our schedules we're always busy, however whenever I have time I check upon her and try to talk to her. Although I think she's ghosting me and I don't know if I did something wrong or she's just really busy. But whenever I'm online I see she's been online too.

kayvo8 December 3rd, 2021


Hi everyone. My name is Kayla. Pronouns are she/her or they/them. I identify as Gay or Queer and have had a few relationships in my life. I am currently single and feel I really learned a lot about myself from my previous relationships. I am looking forward to connecting with other people in this forum.

awkwardRice December 13th, 2021


I'm new here, my name is Missa, you can call me Missa, Rissa, Salsa, or Rice.

awkwardRice December 13th, 2021


Also, a little about me:

pronouns: she/her

current relationship status: complicated, s'why I'm here

age: undecided

I identify as a female/chocolate potato. fight me lol

TrashKing94 December 19th, 2021


Wanted to write something. Im super new to this kind of thing and a bit shy. I have terrible trust issues and i worry it is affecting my current relationship. I want to be free of these thoughts and to improve my relationship in doing so as well. So this is totally worth a shot.


Gxoxo January 7th, 2022

Hi there!

So recently I’ve cut ties with my friend who was once a very close friend of mine. I found out that she was basically jealous of me and with a lot of things that I have that she does not. She’s done a lot of things that’s uncalled for she went and talk behind my back to our group of friends and says a lot of things about me that are untrue. I approached her straight on saying why are you saying these things about me and she says you think you’re all that and this and u can do anything u want etc. I understand what she’s saying but at the same time I’m just being myself I’m someone who’s uncomfortable with showing off and putting myself above someone else’s. My friend has repeatedly told me that I’m not like how she described me. Anyways after all that she asked me to hangout and of course I’ve declined. I don’t like to waste my time with people who are fake and I don’t feel inclined to be associated with someone like that. My circle is small and I like it that way true friends over fake anytime. Now, I don’t know why every time she posts on social media I feel like she’s trying to show off to me and obviously that’s not the case it’s probably in my head but why am I thinking about it like tht and it’s annoying me? I don’t think the way I’m feeling is valid and I probably shouldn’t be feeling like this but somehow I do. I guess I just had to rant about this a bit.

MrBilly199280 February 6th, 2022

Hi y'all. I'm not exactly sure what to post here, and I'm new to 7cups. I'm really good at friendships, but my dating relationships are another story. For some reason all my online relationships with women inevitably fall apart, and I'm not sure why. I'm 29 years old, I hang out with my family most of the time, mostly mom and dad. I'm a high school graduate, and avid gamer, no health issues that I can't handle, no hard drug use. I like making new friends, but getting to know people can be hard sometimes.

FaithfulGeekyGal20 March 6th, 2022

Hi there, im faith, and... Ive been struggling with fears related to new relationships, but I can only hope that with time and support, i'll be more secure and feel more secure in the ones I have.

gentleFox20 April 1st, 2022

👋🏼 I'm Fox! I've been through divorce and have had my fair share of friendship and relationship difficulties so thought I'd spend some time in here to see if I can offer any support/empathy.

Look forward to getting to know you all more!


KayLikesTea May 11th, 2022

Hello, I go by Kay here. I'm trying to navigate adulthood and find new friends that I can create genuin connections with. Only problem is I have no idea how to make friends.

friendlyMoon6283 May 21st, 2022


I tried to reconnect with friends from the past, but apparently that also woke up some buried feelings I had for a friend. At first it seemed like he was interested too, but now I'm starting to question if it was real or not. He doesn't message me first ever, and I am constantly wondering if I am being annoying or not. Everything seems to scream that he's not interested, and yet here I am. It's messing up my work, and I'm tired of it.

I'm not too sure how this works yet, but I also hope to be able to help too.

barncat May 21st, 2022

Think I introduced myself somewhere in the past - but gosh, separated almost 6 months and it is really hard and distracting from life. Most of my friends and family think I should cut my losses, move and and divorce him.

rosemarie90 June 29th, 2022


I am new to this specific community. I’m searching for advice or anyone experiencing the same thing. I am a non-Muslim woman dating and Muslim man. And his mom and her beliefs have become a huge issue and a heartbreaking one at that. If I go into detail I could type for a full day. Any experienced people out there or anyone with advice relating to interfaith marriage?

fearlessPenguin8261 July 30th, 2022

Hi there, newbie in 7cups and this community. Having problems with my own feelings, which is need to go thru big things happen soon. Hope that u guys cam advice me bcs i hope there's space for a cheater....

AmazedAgaric August 3rd, 2022


I am new to the site- after a couple small meltdowns recently, I decided to reach out and try to hopefully figure some stuff out/improve things. I would love to talk to anyone who's had issues making/keeping friends, or any adults who still have issues with their parents/families, as these are the issues I'm dealing with and I think it would be really helpful to connect with others who are dealing or have had to deal with the same thing (or anyone who has knowledge about these topics).

I look forward to hearing other people's stories and to learning and growing and improving my life, as well as getting to know all of you~

bluegoblinbunny October 27th, 2022

Hi, you can call me Bunny. I'm not used to being in support groups like this so I apologize if I seem a bit awkward at first.

Right now I'm seeking a lot of advice for my boyfriend and I, I'm kinda scared of being in a relationship at the moment. I've been dealing with a lot of stuff recently, these past couple of months have been hectic as I'm finally transitioning into adulthood.

Paranoia keeps settling in, and I start regretting every decision I've made. It affects me, and my relationships and I need some serious help to get out of this funk. Please, help.