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aprilstorm March 30th, 2015

Ido not want to associate love with pain. Ego is pain, love itself is what it is.

littlestolive March 31st, 2015

That's a great point! Love does not have to be pain! Sometimes, pain does come with love, but it doesn't mean that the two are synonymous. There will be a time when you find this out for yourself! Best of luck!

Restlessnight28 November 6th, 2018

To me love should be intense, I must feel everything and very strongly. Therefore love is accompanied by sufferings. The clue and the glue is in overcoming them together.

OrangeYouGlad68 November 6th, 2018

Love is one with compassion like the wind and the sky.

What is love connected with for you?

AbbyHarris1976 November 7th, 2018

Maybe there is pain on the road to love, such as when you just got through a tough breakup and feel alone until you find someone who loves and appreciates you for who you are.

I would not, however, equate love with pain and actually believe that those who do so perhaps believe that way because of some trauma they had been through?

Those who derive pleasure from pain, in particular those who derive pleasure from harming others ... have a serious problem that must be resolved before they can interact in a healthy way with themselves or anyone else.

Offmytrack November 7th, 2018

It depends on who you love and who you are. Through a lot of "learning experiences" I have become a much calmer, more thoughtful person. When I met the woman I am now deeply in love with, we had a wonderful chat over a nice dinner. Ever since, our relationship has been without pain of any sort. We talk, we listen to each other, we spend all the time we can with each other. Pain does not have to be a part of anything in my life. I believe this is true for most folks.