I need a friend...
Hello everyone. I prefer to stay anonymous. I have been with my boyfriend for about 6 years and lived together for just about 4 years now. We are currently building a house together and Im am finding myself under extreme stress that is affecting me quite negatively. I dont have any friends to vent to, so Ive just been keeping all my emotions inside and its turned into a disaster the past month. Sometimes I feel that if I just had someone to vent to when he annoys me or pisses me off, that would be helpful. Looking forward to chatting with you.
Hi building a house can be really stressful I bet, lots of decisions and once you make choices for a house, you have to live with what you picked, right? I can relate about needing someone to vent to that isn't your BF. That's what is great about this forum. I'll be a friend along with the others here. It has been really helpful for me to connect with people who don't know me. I love the friends in my life but sometimes things in life are so hurtful that I'm afraid I'll be too much of an emotional mess if I tell them, so I prefer it here.
I'll be your friend. It sucks to be in your head with no one around to share your thoughts with and just vent!
I'd love to be your friend
@fairmindedZebra873 It's hard when it seems like there's no one to vent to (I don't really have anyone either). I'm willing to listen :)
Hi my name is Skye I'm 13,I I have things that are kinda hard to talk about and could use someone to talk to