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Showing off his new girl

insensateT7 March 3rd, 2020

I'm not even sure if I want advice or anything but, here is the story...

It was an online relationship (we met in a game) and we didn't have a chance to meet before things ended. He ended it once back in Oct/Nov but came back many times and continued to care for me, be angry when I played with other guys that have been my friends, etc. He once was so angry about whom I was gaming with before Christmas that he blocked me completely. He added me back on Christmas and said that we would be friends but continued to do things beyond friends. All of a sudden in Jan he said I wasn't letting go and we cut contact completely. He didn't block me but we just didn't talk.

For over a month, in between I saw that he was upset at times, which I ignored.

I messaged him on his birthday and I asked a few clarification questions the day after which he briefly answered. I needed closure so a few more days later I asked for a chat.

He told me there was this new girl he met in the game but he ended it in a week so all the things indicating he was upset was about this girl. I was at peace after the talk, still missing him. I told him I would remove things on my end the next time I log on the game. At that time we both haven't been playing for some time.

Last weekend, I did as I promised. I played with my other friends like normal. The girl that I suspected to be the one, who was my friend, came looking for me. She also checked my profile after my closure conversation with him.

insensateT7 OP March 3rd, 2020

Sorry the story is too long...

Then on Monday and Tuesday (so yesterday), he logged on again and did not even appear offline or used the many other accounts that he has, and he was locking himself in the room with the girl.

He didn't have to do that because they are in the same country so they could just hang out. I guess you could say he just wants to. He probably did the same thing as before that he just did the come and go with the girl. Or maybe he lied to make me feel better in the closure conversation that things have ended.

I feel bitter and angry.

I was totally feeling okay just before he appears again in the game which he said there were other reasons that he stopped playing.

He also made all these promises (as a friend) after Christmas and during our closure conversation, which I trusted him to keep because I have known him to be a nice person. But he didn't.

He said since Oct/Nov he only felt guilt and responsibilities, and he didn't want me to be upset. He wanted me to let go and feel better that's why he did all that. And now he does this with my friend...

I thought I was okay until I saw him online and doing all these.