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~Painful Seperation~

persistentFarm8730 March 15th, 2023

Experiencing divorce or separation can create an endless void within oneself, leaving one feeling as though a part of them has died. The emotions that come with it can be difficult to navigate through, and each day can seem like a never-ending struggle.

Personally, I am currently going through a separation after being married for two years. Despite the bumps in our relationship, I had hoped to work things out. However, my brain acknowledges that it is probably best for both of us to end things. Nevertheless, my heart yearns to erase the wounds we caused each other and start anew, as our best selves.Sadly, this is not a possibility, as my husband cannot let go of the past or his ego. I have taken up a part-time night job remotely to help me cope and find stability, but it still feels like an uphill battle. The experience is incredibly painful and emotionally draining, and it is hard to imagine ever finding love again. I fear being alone forever or what the future holds for me. My husband thinks I am unworthy of his love because I am not the person he expects me to be. He can't love me for the way I am. It freaking hurts.

Divorce or separation is one of the toughest life events that one can go through, and it is not something that can be fully understood until experienced personally.

TigerEyes1896 March 15th, 2023

I can fully understand your pain. Even though I haven't gone through exactly what you've gone through, I can understand how you feel. I went through a nasty divorce myself after a 13-year marriage to an abuser who was a police officer. In addition I had to go through multiple child custody battles because I have four children. I don't know how old you are but two years is not a long time. I know how much it hurts because you wanted it to work out. Sometimes I feel like I'm not worthy of a relationship myself and I tried to sabotage things but I don't do it intentionally. I'm 53 years old and I now realize that you can't change people, no matter how hard you try. I'm sorry that he feels that way about you. It's tough when you're the only one doing everything in the relationship. I tend to do that a lot because of my childhood traumas. I am trying to take more responsibility for myself and the pain that I've caused in my own life and not put all the blame on my ex-husband. But it's difficult because he is to blame for a lot of it because he was severely abusive. I never wanted to get into another abusive relationship but I eventually did again. I got out of it 2 years ago and I promised myself again that I wouldn't get into another relationship. But I guess I lied to myself. I got into another relationship within a month but it was different this time. I had moved back home and ran into an old high school crush and things turned around for me. I told him right away that I didn't want to have a non committed relationship. He agreed. Although our relationship is not perfect, it's working for us. But I'll admit that it's been extremely difficult. It's difficult for him to deal with my childhood abuse. I never knew that he was abused until recently and he said that I trigger him, which I don't want to do and I never intended to do. But sometimes s*** happens. But don't stop being you because he couldn't accept you the way you were. That's his problem. I know it might not bring you much joy right this minute but it will be tough for a little while. But at least you're on this website and you're getting help for yourself. I just joined today actually.

persistentFarm8730 OP March 16th, 2023


Oh my goodness, my heart goes out to you for having to go through such a tough 13-year abusive relationship. I can't even imagine how much emotional pain you must have endured during that time. You've been through so much and I just want to tell you how brave and strong you are for facing such adversity. Divorce is never easy, especially when you have kids, it just adds another layer of difficulty. Despite all this, you've shown so much strength and perseverance, and I really admire that about you. I hope that everything you're going through right now gets better soon and you find the happiness that you truly deserve. You are such an inspiration, and I just know that you're going to keep on shining! Sending you all the love and positivity in the world. And hey, I really hope things work out between you and your partner in a really loving and graceful way. You two deserve all the happiness in the world.

persistentFarm8730 OP March 16th, 2023


It's nice to talk to you and welcome to the boat! I'm still fairly new here myself. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your kind words. It means so much to me to know that there are others out there who understand what I'm going through and are there to offer support. Your words have brought me a lot of comfort during this difficult time, and I truly appreciate it. Thank you again

TigerEyes1896 March 16th, 2023

You're very welcome. I'm still trying to figure out how to find my messages. Lol. It literally took me about 3 minutes to get to this page. I appreciate your kindness because I really don't have many friends in real life and I just moved back home after a 30-year hiatus. So I'm still trying to get used to everything. I work a lot and it keeps my mind off of things but I took two days off because I've been sick with the flu but at the same time I'm very very stressed out. I don't want to take away from your post. It's just that I have to go to court with my ex-husband in the next few weeks and I haven't seen him in 4 years as well as my children. I'm sorry if I already mentioned that. I just woke up and I'm really still not feeling good but I have to plug along and go to work today. I recently started seeing a doctor and got some anxiety medication but I don't even know if I want to stay on it because I'm so sensitive to medication that it's giving me weird side effects. But anyway, I truly hope that you know that this is not your fault. Sometimes people are just too different. It's a struggle these days to even be in a relationship it seems because life is not what it was like before... Things are changing in the world and a lot of it does seem too good. I try not to get too stressed out about it. As they say like attracts like and I try not to think about bad things or about the past too much because all it does is make me upset. Sometimes I feel like my partner doesn't understand me. He's been through a lot in his childhood too but he's never talked about it with anybody let alone a therapist. So he refuses to talk about his childhood even though he's shared some abuse He's gone through. What I have noticed about relationships at my age is that a lot of the relationships I've had with men, seem very matter what type of background or what type of job or what type of childhood they've had. - they all were very abusive whether it was physically and or mentally. But it's hard to recognize the signs in the beginning because most people want to put on a front. And then by the time you fall in love with them, then you're trapped because all of a sudden they start acting differently. So I have to look at myself to see why I am attracting these type of people into my life.. I've been doing what they call Shadow work. I'm trying to see what I'm doing wrong in relationships so that I don't keep making the same mistakes. Well I have to get going cuz I have to get ready for work but I hope you have a lovely day. Remember to take care of yourself... Mind body and spirit. Much love.

energeticWillow4306 March 23rd, 2023


I sympathize with you, I've been divorced 10 years and still feel exactly how you feel. In 10 years, I've dated but I always keep in my mind my past failures in my marriage, this thought process has stopped me from being happy and trusting. It's hard to date after a divorce. Best luck to you!