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Moving on from a "soul mate" type relationship

kappa170 March 18th, 2016


I've recently gone through a very painful breakup (due to factors external to the relationship) with a guy that I am deeply, deeply in love with. I don't know if I believe in soul mates, but if they're real, then he was mine :( We connected on every level, and I never felt uncomfortable sharing anything with him. Everything was a fun adventure, and I was so excited to share my life with him. But now he's gone :( Very suddenly, and very unexpectedly.

Does anyone have any advice for how to get through this? He still loves me and never mistreated me or anything, so I can't feel angry... I just don't know how to move on from something my heart wants to hold on to so badly :( I feel so lost :(

Sillytiger91 March 20th, 2016


This is exactly the same situation im in right now. Its nice to know we're not alon in this.

soothingwind March 20th, 2016

@kappa170 I am in a similar situation right now ..and we had to split up cus being together was hard to pull off due to external factors..I still love her a lot..but had to let her go for her own good..I get the edge to talk to her now and then and that's why I joined 7 cups so that I don't talk to her for a while so that she can recover and move on..I doubt I will ever forget her because there is no one I trusted or wanted to share my life with like her..but life is sometimes a tough lesson for us and I guess we have to take it At our stride and just remember to breath...I still can't sleep much as I dream of her every night but I guess it gets better in time and you accept the state of things and who knows maybe in the future the universe brings you a back together? Just live and see..I can't believe there are so many of us with similar situation thanks to the state of the world right now..

CleopatraElizabethI March 19th, 2016


My heart hurts for you. It hurts to love someone so much, and then, poof, they're just gone. If they were ever really there.

Anyhow...without knowing all the circumstances, let me just say that you have to remember to breathe. Some days will be good; others you will want the world to leave you alone. But you have to keep taking care of yourself. Eat. Sleep. Get your mind on other things- this can be anything from reading a book to baking a cake. Going for a walk in a scenic area. I don't know what your religion is, and please take this in the spirit it is intended (ie not offensive), but I have found asking God for strength every day to be helpful. Also the mindfulness/meditiation exercises here are great. You have to take care of you right now. Your mind will be screaming, "what is he doing? Is he thinking of me? Where do we go from here?" You have to get the voices in your head to a lull if you can't get them to stop. Right now you have to think of yourself. Sounds selfish but it is not. You must take care of yourself.

When the grief comes, and it will off and on, allow it. Don't do anything harmful to yourself, but if you feel ready to cry, then cry. It hurts much more to keep the tears inside. If you need to scream, get somewhere where you won't bother anyone and just scream your lungs out. I have found free-flow writing (where you write down whatever comes to mind) to be helpful as well. Respect the grief and let it out- it's part of your healing process.

Learn to love yourself too. I am still adjusting to this idea and I'm going through my own breakup struggle as well. That is why I hurt for you.

Sending you love and hugs. Feel free to vent. You can get through this struggle. I/we/people here are all here for you.

kappa170 OP March 20th, 2016


Thank you so much for your kind and helpful words... They mean so much to me. Thank you.

happinessguy March 21st, 2016

I know how you feel. I know a few people that will really help you out properly. I`ve been helped many times, and once you use their service a few times, you get to know them quite well. I`ll leave the link below. Excellent to talk to, for anything that is troubling you. Maybe you would like to check it out.

Hope I have helped you!