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I had to end it, but hate myself for it

sensitiveSugar8860 September 18th, 2017

So just today I broke up with my Long Distance Girlfriend of 4-ish months. It was very rough and NOT a joint decision. As far as I can tell she hates me now, but I think that's for the better, so she can get over me quicker.

It hurts so bad and I loved her so much. But when I had another weak moment, as it's been happening fairly often these days, instead of comforting me she started to yell and call me a literal baby, all in the name of speaking the truth. I asked her to stop and told her there are other ways of telling the truth and sometimes a little white lie is ok, too. But she insisted I needed to hear it. During the conversation I cried at about four separate times. And this wasn't the first fight we've had or the first time we were close to breaking up, only the other times it was her who wanted to leave me.

Did I mess up? Am I wrong? I can't stop thinking about her and how I'm a total idiot. If anyone out there has some advice, please, please help me. I don't want to lose a years worth of progress.

September 18th, 2017


It sounds like you had your reasons for the breakup. I'd say you did the right thing, sometimes things just don't work out and that's okay. I agree with you, if it's not working out it's better to end it sooner than later.

helpfulNest9115 September 18th, 2017

@sensitiveSugar8860 - I am so sorry. It sounds like you had a really heated and passionate argument. That is never a good thing. (at least not for me) Only you know if you did the right thing or not. No one - particularly not internet strangers - can tell you if you made the right choice. All endings are bitter sweet. And, I think most of us, when we end a relationship, wonder if we made the right decision or not - even those of us who try to end relationships with people who are abusive towards us... relationships that are counterproductive and harmful to our well being. So, I think your feelings are very valid and very appropriate.