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I feel played.

bewarethefreakchic July 18th, 2016

I was with someone when I met this guy, Mr. J. Now Mr. J and I hit it off immediately. I knew from the second I met him, I wanted to be with him. He told me day in day out he wanted me. So finally, we did it. I left that guy for Mr. J. We had a great month, but things got stressful and we took a break. Mr. J came to me begging to get back together. I fell for it. We had another amazing month, when he straight told me he didn't want a relationship and he dumped me. Well I'm still in love with him. I still want him. I still miss him. And he doesn't want to talk to me. He says we'll be friends, but I don't wanna be friends. I wanna be his girl. He begged me to be his girl, and then left me high and dry. Like he said whatever to get me, and then dropped me.

What scares me is if he comes begging again, I'll just take him back. Because I let him play me before, and I love him so much, I'll let him play me again.

Heart35 July 19th, 2016

@bewarethefreakchic if you can't just be friends, try cutting him out completely. Allow yourself to feel sad, cry, and grieve the loss. You may have been played or manipulated by him, but the best thing you can do is stop the bleeding. I know it's hard, but in one month, you will be further out. You e been through hard times before, and you survived. You will again!

bewarethefreakchic OP July 19th, 2016

@Heart35 Ugh where were you like five hours ago when I messaged him? It wasn't anything relationship related. It was about work, but now I miss him even more now that I texted him.