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I cannot

understandingChestnut9798 September 27th, 2020

In febuary me and my bf broke up. He was mentally and boarderline physically abusive to me. He would pressure me into s3x, throw my phone, punched a hole in my wall, shove and push me anywhere, tell me he'd off himself if I left him and things like that. Well recently I came out about it to my friends and even his and they've been attacking me calling me a liar and saying he's innocent. Every time his name is even brought up I shake, I can't stand hearing it I just think of everything he did. My friends listen to me when I say my trauma from him is back but I feel annoying going to them all the time. I get so bad that I can't even focus because he has so many people against me and then adding the trauma he put on me. I'm tired and can't get therapy because my family doesn't belive in it so I come here to idk complain I guess.

CandygirlM September 28th, 2020


I'm so sorry you're going through that. I've been in a somewhat similar situation. I understand how you can feel like a burden, but try not to feel that way. You can always find that one friend who will listen to you and we're always here as well. You should probably stop talking to his friends, because they seem to have his back and will continue to do so, since they are his friends. I would take a step back, concrete on what makes you happy. Do things with your family and things that make you feel good. I know it's hard right now, but as soon as you start concentrating on yourself, you'll start to realize your worth and what makes you happy. The people you are expressing your feelings to right now aren't making anything better, so I would suggest cutting off all contact with his friends and people who aren't there to actually support and listen to you.

The more you do things that make you happy, the better you will get. I promise you that. It won't happen over night, it if you trying want to be happy, you need to believe it. I hope that helped a little. Don't underestimate yourself, just because of what other people say. People come and go in your life, and that's the sad truth. We all grow for the better!

Alice1967 October 1st, 2020

I am sorry to read about what you are going through. Maybe you should search for articles or videos on these topics: narcissism, smear campaign, emotional abuse and manipulation. You will be surprised at your findings. Your story has much to do with all that. Those articles and videos will provide lots of useful information and guidelines. In the meantime, give your friends time to see the real side of your story and be strong. Take care.