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I broke up with an abuser

Minty33 March 24th, 2016

When my boyfriend and I met he was the perfect man. He was caring, loving.. I couldnt believe it. Felt like a dream! We talked for 10 hours the first time we had a phone call! We had a lot in common, we already imagined a life together.

But soon he changed. He started being offended by small things, calling me liar for no reason, being overly jealous. We had huge fights but then he'd apologise. Fight. Apologise. Fight. Apologise..

I was too coward to face that tornado when he's angry and I got caught once with a lie. Not proud of that but I was scared. So then he had in his hands the proof to doubt me, manipulate me, hurt me.

I loved and cherished him with all my heart. But he broke me down physically and emotionally. My tears never meant anything to him. My pain. Why would love an abuser? I left him three days ago in one of his crazy moments.. But my heart is aching. Why push someone out of love like this? When they gave their all to see you smile.

Crazybeautiful33 March 24th, 2016


Im new to this app and I didn't know what to think about it at first, I've only been on here for a couple days. Kind of reading through things, but everything's been pretty numb from you lately. But as soon as I came across your story I knew that there are real people on here people that I could feel the same way I feel. I applaud you for leaving him. I have just recently left mine again like I have before I'm gone back many times. The struggle is real the only people that are abused can understand one another. Thank you for sharing your story. The only thing I know to stay to help is, don't go back. Get help. I'm going to counseling and it seems to be helping a little bit. The also remember it's going to take time to heal it's not only going to happen once. Applied yourself for the baby steps that you're taking in the right direction and keep moving forward Don't Look Behind. I hope to connect with you and I hope you are doing wellsmiley

Minty33 OP March 24th, 2016

@Crazybeautiful33 I like how our nicknames end with 33 ♥

It's funny I've just discovered that his family rejected me as if I'm the abuser!

I'm glad I found someone I can relate to. We can talk more if you want to!

shaken March 25th, 2016

I also am going through a similar experience. This is not the first time I have left but I am really trying to stay gone. I used to judge women who stayed in abusive relationships but now going through it I realize that they never start off bad and its only until they have destroyed your mind and self esteem do they strike. I Share a child with mine so seeing him and trying to keep things business like is very hard.

Reading narcissistic personality disorder articles has helped. Good luck ladies!