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Husband wants divorce

neonTalker1118 August 5th

My husband suddenly wants a divorce and I’m heartbroken. He says love isn’t the problem. He says I don’t take the blame for anything. We fought like couples do, but nothing extraordinary. I would say sorry. He won’t elaborate on what I’ve done wrong. He won’t talk to me. I’m devastated. I already struggle with depression and now I don’t know if I can deal with this. Anyone else go through this?

toughTiger6481 August 6th


Hello i am sorry you are dealing with this ... I feel miscommunication or bad communication is an issue i have been working on for a couple of years.  

If he has not clearly told you something he FEELS  you did wrong .....what are you apologizing for? 

apologizing for anything thing  is giving him the power to blame you for all that has happened

does this happen each time he brings up the D word? ..... does he get his way until he no longer is speaking of divorce.?...    divorce even the word should not be used as a power play or threat....If he cannot bring up real issues maybe suggest counseling as a counselor can see the power play. 

If he is serious but has no reason That  you know of......... maybe there is something else you do not know...   

If he is serious not sure where you are located laws differ by state/ country etc.  ........but you can google your rights in divorce and you if you do not know now learn of all assets and what alimony / (if you have kids) child support etc.... 

neonTalker1118 OP August 6th

Thank you for hearing my story. There DOES seem to be a pattern of him using the D word until he gets what he is either accusing me of doing something I haven’t or getting something he wants. I have brought up counseling, but he wasn’t too hip on the idea. I will look at my rights. Thanks for the advice.

toughTiger6481 August 6th


        I hope you have a similar experience I had ........ and when i was ready to pull the Divorce trigger

I  told him ok this is how a court would probably split assets etc. 

When i had plans to go or told him to find an apartment he backed off with throwing the D word to play this .... and dealt with his true issues as mine was deflecting so i would not point out his failures in our relationship

neonTalker1118 OP August 6th

I’m so happy for you that it all worked out. You are very wise.