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How to deal being heartbroken?

Leucoryx January 23rd, 2015

Here the deal, I accidently dragged myself into an unhealthy relationship I pretty much know it from the start graduated , it was out my hands thus I wasn?t ready nor I`m committed to anything, It`s just a thing at most, a things I didn?t wanted to happen but it did and let my guard down.

Anyway he found himself somebody else eventually, I know it would happen since I`m not capable to meet his needs. I shouldn?t care, it would will happen and it did, it`s completely the natural course of events. But see him with his mate just broke my heart. I can?t stand it but I`m force to witnessing it with my own eyes. I don?t want to say anything and would wish him the best.

But why does it hurt so bad, I barely try keep up a straight face and living the way I used to.

helpfulShip3883 January 24th, 2015

It hurts you because you are in love, but it's not the end. You say it was just something that happened, something you weren't ready for, but that's the thing when you fall in love with someone. Sometimes it takes you by surprise. Be strong, because in the end you will find another. Was he your first? Just asking.

Leucoryx OP January 25th, 2015

I don't know, I never cared someone that much before, it just got out of hand.

helpfulShip3883 January 25th, 2015

C'mon, it's obvious that you care for him, or you would've been crying. It's okay if you do, I know how that feels, and it will make you a little stronger in the end because you'll have more experience in how to deal with certain situations later in life. That hole in your heart won't heal completely, but it will heal over time. I'm here for you if you need someone, okay?

helpfulShip3883 January 25th, 2015

And you are a good person that is capable of meeting the needs of someone you care about. Look, we all get shoved aside at times. I've been shoved away by someone that I really cared about, so hang in there, okay? It's not over. Life has those struggles that we never see coming, you just have to learn to deal with it and move on. I know how much that hurts because I still hurt, but it's not the end, only the beginning. :)

Leucoryx OP January 26th, 2015

Yeah you`re right, I used to go through similar painful lesson all by myself before, never really talk to anyone about it. But I find it comforting that I`m not going through it alone. I think I get itwhenpeople sayyou`re not alone. Thank you ^^

helpfulShip3883 January 26th, 2015

You are very welcome. ;) You should never suffer that kind of mental torture by suffering it alone because you'll just pull yourself into a more serious and painful situation, as no one wants to see you die. I think there are many people in your life that care for you, and would never want to see you go. If you feel the need to talk again, I'm here, and I want you to know that I care, okay? :) All people should never be without love. ^.^

DragonDan February 16th, 2015

Love is a really tricky emotion. It's a powerful emotion to share with another person, which makes you in turn vulnerable. Surround yourself with friends and family who are supportive and don't hide your struggles so that others can help you through them. You don't have to do it alone, and you'll be stronger on the other side.