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Do you ever get over your first love?

SixFtOfThisGuy May 31st, 2015

I am a Senior in high school and the year is pretty much over. At about mid april i fell in love with a girl that I only got to know since the start of april. We never got to know each other. We just went straight for love. She was the most beautiful person that i have ever seen in my life. Everytime i saw her my heart dropped. It didnt matter about the make up. It didnt matter about how she dressed or how her hair was.

At the end of April i went over her house at about 1:00 AM after a party and stayed up to talk to her. That was the first night that we kissed. I kissed her first. I felt so joyful. I never asked her for a relationship. It just started.

At the beginning of our relationship i saw that we were in love. I saw that she cared. I loved her so much and she was always on my mind no matter what.

In the middle of May (middle of our relationship) she texted me that she needed to talk to me. I only see her every other school day because we have block schedule. A and B days. She dropped myclass because she didnt need it so i started to leave that class just for her. We went to my car and she started to ask me what i was doing for the summer. I didnt know. She started up to ask me how my feelings were for her. I questioned that because she leaves to mexico for the whole summer every year. She explained to me that she does not like getting into relationships at the end of the year because it always ends, She always loses feelings for the guy that she dates. I told her that i will always have feelings for her no matter what. That i wanted her to call me whwnever she could to talk.

Prom was on May 23rd and i knew she was losing feelings. We didnt talk at all. We just went with the group and did our thing. I was sad that night. I saw that she was just not herself and didnt see her connection for me. On our 1 month anniversary i dropped her off at home from school and she kissed me and said i love you. The next day she broke up with me by text. She was my first ever true love. But I dont know what i was to her. She has had other relationships before. She just dropped us like nothing. She said that i would get over it and that she didnt want to hurt me. Its been a few days and i feel so horrible. I feel like it was all my fault. I want her back so badly but i dont know how. She is leaving to mexico and i texted her many times asking if i can just see her or talk somewhere. I never got a reply. I dont know why. She doesnt want us to break apart and stay as strangers. I dont want that either. I want us to be regular friends to where i can still tak to her about things if i needed to.

I dont know if i can date another girl to replace her or not. She was my first and I wanted to be her everything. I wanted to give her everything. I loved her so much. I wanted to be around her everyday.

Do people actually get over their first love? It feels like i wont. I feel like no matter what if she wants to come back i would get with her at any time to try us again.

fallonSings97 May 31st, 2015

This is still a fresh wound. I'm not gonna lie, it'll hurt for awhile. A week, a month, a few after, he'll maybe a year. But I promise, if it wasn't meant to be, the pain will go away. You can't love someone so intensely and hope it vanishes in one day. That's not how love works. It's painful and it crushes you from the inside out. The heartbreak goes away, the love doesn't. It's obvious you love too much. She was your first love, that momentous. But remember she won't be your last. Take your time licking your wounds. You're graduating, this is your time. Find out what it means to be you. Only when you know who you are without her, can you truly move on. It gets better. Your just starting, don't call it quits yet.

intellectualCurrent2550 May 31st, 2015

I've been going through a really rough breakup due to a long distance relationship and cheating. She was my first girlfriend, my first 'true' love. We both just graduated from university, so we're still real young. I can't tell you I know how you're hurting, but I'm pretty sure I know that it hurts A LOT. I've been dealing with this for a month now, and I've only known that she cheated on me around a week ago, and now I've just been nursing my wounds, tending to the pain, and I'm basically just trying to get myself together after what happened. It's horrible, but it has given me a whole lot of time to think things through. I've been thinking to myself lately, 'so what if she was the first? The important thing when dealing with relationships will always be the last, the one you'll spend the rest of your life with.' I do agree, and we're on the same boat on loving that first girlfriend and hoping to spend your eternity with her, loving her with every fiber of your being, but I guess at some point, if it doesn't work out, we have to walk away.

I do not know how our journeys will end, but I do hope that we endure. I hope we'll somehow gain the resolve to move on, to walk away, and to find someone, that special someone that will love us as much as we love them. In the end, it's probably what's important. The last person, not the first.

SixFtOfThisGuy OP May 31st, 2015

I feel as if i dont want to get over it. I feel like i want to go up to her tomorrow and talk to give her the feelings that dhe once had for me. I want to do all i can for us to talk and try to get a connection that we once had. I dont want to find someone else to replace her because I feel like thats rude. Im a really soft hearted person and feel like its so wrong to do that. I want my arms to be completely open so she can run into them at any single moment.

I have her on snap chat. I woke up at 1 in the morning and posted a black pic with the text "My dreams wake me up and it sucks".

At about 4 AM she posted the same type of pic saying "whats sleep??" Could she have been awake because of her thinking about us? Is it possible that she wants to get back but is pushing away?

rozie June 1st, 2015

So sorry to hear what you have gone through.. its tough. And you ask about your "first love" and whether you actually get over this. I think many people would tell you "yes you do" but that first love is often very special, very intense, and often remembered over the years. Its not surprising that right now you can't see how you could get over losing her and you would hope to have her back.. for now this is how it is. Its a time to take it easy, to get support from others, and to grieve a little. Be encouraged, most of us have been there and have come through to go on and be in other relationships until we hopefully find our soul mate.

JoyfulJenna June 3rd, 2015

Breakups are super hard and sad! It feels like someone literally ripped your heart out, but fortunately you do get over your first love, and every otherbreakup after that. Hanging out with my friends and family always helped me a lot through my tough breakups, try to stay active! Hang in there and stay strongsmiley

colorfulSpace22 June 5th, 2015

I also feel like I won't survive this. It's so hard and sad especially if you were the one who kept fighting for the other all the time and the other acted like he doesnt care at all.