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Breakup advice/tips :(

tpwkH22 December 29th, 2020

After being together for almost a year, my ex bf ended our relationship. He was my first love. I told him that he never truly loved me if he is able to end it like that. He said I was wrong, that he did love me but the reason why he ended it was because he had lost the emotional connection with me and that he was trying to get it back but could not. It's been 4 months and I'm still completely shattered. I thought he was the one. I just sometimes I don't get it. I really tried hard and gave him my all, and he was the first boy that I felt comfortable and myself with. It's exhausting having to think about him and the memories everyday. Having to think that I wasn't able to do more to save the relationship. But then I also realize that I deserve better because he easily gave up on me and I shouldnt waste my tears on him anymore. It's still hurts though.

intuitiveWriter1887 December 29th, 2020


Hi 💕 The extent of the pain is to the extent of the love - I want you to think of this whenever you judge yourself for being in pain over the breakup. Tell yourself that the depth of the pain is proof of the depth of your love. Don't put yourself down, and instead remind yourself how brave it was of you to open your heart and risk getting hurt.

Breakups are so hard. You are grieving and mourning the loss of something very valuable to your heart, and the loss of what you thought will be. Let these tears flow, and release your feelings. It's the only way out.

I encourage you to not put words in his mouth. Stick to what he told you and don't ruminate over it. I know your wounded self wants to dissect every interaction and blame you and put meanings to events to prove its own misconceptions. Don't engage, and don't listen to these thoughts. Ruminating will only prolong your pain. So please don't engage in self-blame.

Is there anything you like to do that allows you to get lost in it, and quite your thoughts? If yes, then please start it. Exercise is also very good. There's tons of free exercise videos on YouTube that can help you. Also, try to change something small around you to get yourself out of the rut. No matter how small. Maybe change the order of your furniture? Surround yourself with your family or friends.

Use the memories you had with him as proof that you can love and feel love, something fond to look back at.

Take it one day at a time.

catlover023 December 29th, 2020

@tpwkH22 hey i know it's hard right now, and i know you feel like it's not going to get any better. But trust me when i say that it is. In the end it will all get better. He was not meant to be in your life for a reason, and if he is meant to be in your life than some how or some way the universe will put you guys back together. I could promise you that. i love you and i am so proud of you for coming out about this.