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Abusive Relationship?

cassieturtle19 October 7th, 2015

Hello everyone I am recently coming from an abusive relationship... (physically mentally and verbally) and I cannot seem to shake this broken hearted feeling. Any tips to make myself feel better or ways to get over this break up... would be much appreciated.. thank you

Missnaria7 October 7th, 2015

I've been through that. Was In one for years. It takes time and you just need to find a reason to get through the day. Find something good in your life

cassieturtle19 OP October 7th, 2015


Thank you for the reply I will give it time thank you a million times

Eusse October 7th, 2015

I can sadly say I would mentally abuse my ex. She eventually abused my emotions. You will get over it, I thought I wouldn't, but I did:) I was rather quick too because I started to realize that someone who abuses you those ways shouldn't deserve you at all. Not at your worst nor at your best. Go out with a friend. Watch a movie, block the person from your life, fb, ig, phone. Put them last just the same way they put your emotions last. If he or she cared, they wouldn't have hurt you. Don't give them the time or day. Move on, feel hurt ( yes, feel the pain) because it's the only way you'll learn. If you ever go through this again, the process will be quicker. Now that I think bod it, I don't know why I even cried for that girl who hurt me. She hasn't changed, therefore I moved on.

cassieturtle19 OP October 7th, 2015


This is so amazing thank you so much for sharing with me... I will take your advice anf I think you are 100% right I need to feel my emotions

Thank you so much your awesome for sharing

bluesaphire October 8th, 2015

I am so sorry for what you are going through right now, my advice will be only to take it little by little, if at any moment during the day you feel hurt, breath! focus on your breathing, deeply and slowly, the most deep and slow breaths you can take, then focus on the things around you, describe them, repeat to yourself where you are at, what are you wearing, and keep breathing, then do something nice for yourself, spoil yourself with something per day, do the things you enjoy and your ex hated, make a list of things you hate about your ex and when you feel sad for missing or feeling you need to contact her /him read that list. you can also write a letter to your best friend explaining him or her why is better to be without that person, that letter at the end it is for you, because you can be your best friend. I hope this help you a little bit and I admire you for leaving that bad relationship. You are in the right way be strong!. hugs for you!

cassieturtle19 OP October 8th, 2015


Thank you for your advice ... little by little I will breath... I appreciate your hugs and time to respond thank you so much