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Sage’s Writing Corner

HelenaSays November 2nd, 2022

hiii this is just a place where i’ll be posting my writing. i’ll post maybe weekly.. i’m not sure yet, but u can read any of this if u want lolol. don’t get ur hopes up abt the quality tho. cya for now! bye!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 2nd, 2022


Aww you no worry about meeting anyone's hopes here okie? This is your space and you can write and share whatever you like to. ❤

HelenaSays OP November 5th, 2022

some stuff i made in the car based off a wip. if u wanna see more then i will def post more of this wip :>


Some stuff I write! IN THE CAR EDITION <3


Mindlessly, I spun around a few times, watching the hem of my dress fly. I closed my eyes until I fell down right onto the prickly, tall grass. I looked up and saw him standing over me. He adjusted his tie.

He was like grass.

Prickly and standoffish, but his attributes were always changing.

“Y’know..” I whispered. He took a step towards me.

”That you’re disgusting to be rolling around in the grass like a pig in the mud?” Foolish germophobe. I grumbled and rolled over. “Hey-“ He took a deep breath. “Nevermind, sorry.”

”You don’t get fun? Do you?” I lifted my head slowly, starting to pluck blades of grass from the ground.

Thoughts ran through my head. None felt like anything sensical. I should have died when I fell, but I didn’t. I felt my hand shake.

He sat down next to me, after taking both his shoes and socks off as not dirty his frivolously expensive clothes. He turned and looked at the sunset. The cliff was steep, and below was the gorgeous blue ocean. I waited and waited.

I almost sobbed, I almost wept, but I couldn’t. I was too, hollow. Hollow inside. Emotionless after what he’d done but still knowing we could have loved each other. It made me feel hopeless.

I sighed. He looked at me. Though I couldn’t ever let tears fall in a place like this, my chest started to heave. I was hollow inside, until I felt a flicker of fear. It was cold and pushed the air out of my lungs, pushing my heart up into my throat.

I think he noticed. His silence pained me greatly.


People like him.

People I liked; people I didn’t.

Scratch that, I had learned to not get attached, not risk being betrayed by now. He betrayed me and he would pay the price. Now. Or later.

HelenaSays OP November 8th, 2022

stuff. royal au ***… idk how to feel abt it plz my editor website said it was grade 4…


The sound of glass shattering echoed throughout the room as he entered through the window.

The man’s gaze shifted to the proper entrance of the prince’s bedroom, and he tried to barricade the door with the prince’s wardrobe as quietly as he could.

It’s not like it mattered, though, the glass breaking surely awoke the heir.

The man glanced over to where the prince slept— where he usually did. Something was amiss this fine morning; To put it simply, the soon-to-be-king was not in his bed.

The man swiftly moved closer and pulled back the bedsheets to find…nothing. The prince was missing.

And at that moment, the man came to a more than shocking realization. This was his chance to live the life he always longed for, he had enough resemblance to the prince to pull his scheme off, everything was perfectly set for things to work…


A burning sensation of envy, infuriation, and he couldn’t deny it, infatuation caressed his insides as he gawked at Princess Angelina. Even so, a sensation of guilt trickled down his spine, he knew it wasn’t right, but feelings of longing filled his aching heart.

She made him want to imagine an unimaginable reality where no one fell in love with people they weren’t meant to. Never once would it be just for an assassin to catch feelings for his assigned target, it was simply unacceptable.

But you had to rethink that when you saw the childish glimmer in her bright green eyes as she swayed and twirled around the ballroom.

The maid, Ingrid, threw the doors open, screaming out “ THE PRINCE! WHERE IS HE! IT’S THE QUEEN! SHE’S…She’s dead…”. Ingrid fainted on the spot, she was the kind of person who shattered into a thousand little pieces whenever under pressure.

But the force of the maid bolting inside caused Angelina to fall— Right into Leo’s arms.

Thunder boomed as utter despair fell over Angelina’s face. She looked up at Leo, then at Ingrid, then at her brother.

A thunderstorm cloud formed over Angelina’s head. Then lightning struck as the crystal-covered chandelier came crashing to the floor.

Coincidentally but unfortunately, the chandelier was headed straight for Leo and the princess.

Instinctively, Leo did something horrible. He shoved Angelina to the ground and tried to cover as much of her body as he could with his.

The thing was, he was going to have to try to be rid of her eventually, so why not do it now? But there was something special about this assignment, he needed her alive for just a little while longer.

Leo squeezed his eyes shut and braced for impact, but he felt none— The chandelier hovered in the air two or three meters from him and Angelina, like magic.

But that was absurd, he didn’t have any, it was the whole reason he was pretending to be Prince Louis.

Charlie, the prince, was lifting the chandelier with vines. He pulled it up and up, then wrapped a few more vines around it to secure it back into its original place.

Leo got up a few seconds later, then helped Angelina to her feet; Rain from her cloud getting all over his suit.

Angelina looked at him, blinking rapidly. It had now started pouring rain in the ballroom, the wrath of Lina’s powers causing almost everyone to flee the palace.


I watched Charlie walk over to Lina and pull her into a hug. I looked at them, almost feeling sorry. Pretty soon, they’d have two funerals to plan. I just needed to get the princess alone.

“Prince Charlie, Princess Angelina, I really am sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you very much, Prince Louis. And thank you for helping to protect Lina here.”

“Anything for her.” I said those words, about how much he loved the princess, and I wasn’t as sure I was lying anymore.

The princess continued to sob, the rain pouring down on the entire kingdom.

“What’s everyone going to think?! We can’t tell them the queen is dead, but they surely know something’s amiss.” The rain was slowing, as Angelina was getting tired. She walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged back, slightly surprised. I almost laughed, knowing how innocent and trusting she really was.

“I…I don’t know. We need to find something to tell them.” I said. Charlie sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall. I heard thunder, and at the same time, I saw Angelina curl her gloved hands into fists.

“Lina?” Charlie asked. Angelina looked at him, big, round teardrops rolling down her cheeks.

I hugged her tighter. I was almost smothering her, as her face only went up to my chest...

The princess hugged back.

Another maid standing next to Ingrid suddenly appeared. “Uhm, as it t-turns out...The queen’s death was a homicide.”

“DO YOU THINK THIS IS WHAT ANYONE WANTS TO HEAR RIGHT NOW?! JUST SHUT UP, YOU’RE MAKING EVERYTHING WORSE! ARE YOU TRYING TO FLOOD THE KINGDOM?!” Charlie screamed at the maid, causing her to run out. Charlie patted down his dress, brushing himself off.

Angelina seemed scared now, the rain stopped and the temperature started to cool. I pat her head and let go of her.

“Charlie, I- P-Prince Charlie, maybe we should call it a night. I wouldn’t want to upset the princess anymore.”

“Yeah. I need to go c-calm down... Thank you very much, Prince Louis.” Charlie said, sadly smiling. He ran his hands through his hair.

“Of course. I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow.”

I gave Angelina one last squeeze and walked out.

I started down the corridor and then the stairwell. I wanted to visit the gardens, it always calmed me down. I liked sitting alone there with my thoughts, it was odd. Nobody knew my secrets there, it was lonely. But I loved it.

I walked down the path, looking at the roses Charlie had planted on each side. I sat down on a little bench in a secluded spot. It had a perfect view of the moon, which happened to be full tonight.

The cool breeze felt nice on my skin, but the feeling soured when I thought of why it was so windy. I knew how the royals felt right now, I’d felt that feeling too many times, really...

But I didn’t feel sorry at first.

But a few minutes with the princess changed everything. Well, let me explain.

I turned my head at the sound of footsteps behind me, only to find the princess. She walked towards me and sat down on the other side of the bench I was on.

I looked at her. “Princess?”

She looked at me, I could already feel speckles of raindrops falling.

“” The princess said quietly. I almost didn’t hear her.

I jumped back, that being the only time I had ever heard her voice.

“Well done, princess!! Wow...”

“Mmh...” She sighed a little.

“What were you going to say?”

“I-...” She looked down, probably nervous.

“You don’t have to tell me right now. I know how you m-must be f-feeling.”

I put my hand on hers.

What was I doing?! I wasn’t supposed to be being so nice to her. Besides, the royals didn’t deserve my good treatment, they were scum.

But if I hated the princess, why was I like this to her?!

SparklingSeashells November 11th, 2022


Woah, I love your style of writing!! Inspiring ✨

HelenaSays OP November 11th, 2022

By the way, plZzz, if you read any of the writing here, give feedback! Totally roast me, I don’t care <3. I wanna know how good my writing actually is!